Keywords: TheFamilyDoctorFeb23 1889page406 407.png wben drawn in to such an extent was out of the question and the lady nrincipal showed a wise discretion by insisting that all the very tightly-laced girls should at least once a week loosen their corsets till they only fitted their figures closely and not tightly By this means the girl's health was undoubtedly saved and I commend the practice to all those who admire a dainty waist and wish for good health I however have walked as much as two or CORPORAL PUNISHMENT TO THE EDITOR OF THE FAMILY DOCTOR SIR --I hope you can spare me spa ce to e lter my protest against the maudhn sentImentahty and prudery of some of your correspondents on this subject There is no reason to suppose that the nature of our YOllth of both sexes has changed of late years or that the pr esent rising g eneration is more amenable to restraInt than were Its pred ecel ;'Sors Nearly half a century ago I was one of 400 lads at a public school where the birch rod was in use not as a stimulant to learning but as a preservative of discipline and a punishInent for- insubordination and offences against morals It was applIed by the head master only and n all cases to the bare breech During my stay there of eight years I had a pretty frequent experience of it but I never felt any sense of degradation or ever heard the idea mooted that there was anything- to be ashalned of in it except to howl over it In breaking school rules we knew the 'risk we ran and took the consequences of detection in good p1 rt The last flogging I had was the severest that had been known in my time I was nearly seventeen and was senior in a lot of six detected in a breach of the rule against smoking and entering pll blic houses The usual extent of punishment had hitherto been twelve cuts but in this case I received double the number the second dozen being administered from the opposite side to the first The bil'ches used were exceptionally st'out and I was sore for weeks after but it never for a 1110nlent struck me that I had been cruelly used or that I otherwise than deserved all I had got As my school and college career ultimately resulted satisfactorily I claim that the system of the first was good and am bringing up 11lY boys on that system in fact I would not send them to a school conducted on -the non-corporal punishment regime As regards the fen1ale sex I h3;ve o ly to say that nlY wife is an advocate for the JUdICIOUS use of the rod whether at school or at home and except in isol~ted and peculiar caStS ridicules the idea of a girl of fourteen or fifteen being really shocked or debased in her feelings by having to disrobe for punishment as she insists that such feeling about exposure is not general among gIrlS who as a rule prefer to take their baths in companies of two or more to doing so alone In fact youth of either sex is not so ethereal or sensitive as sonIe of your corresponden ts represent and the nlajority of it is all the better for an occa~ional wllippine- - Yours truly METHUSELAH Edinburgh � Tan 20 1889 TO THE EDITOR OF THE FAMILY DOCTOR SIR -Your correspondent An Old Sufferer has I thin'k too sumnlarily condemned the system of corporal punishment for girls in toto without seeing that much which she objects to could be eliminated and 1 et retain a valuable last resource for the maintenance of discipline I heartily concur with her that nothing is more important than to instil and foster in every young girl a feeling of modesty and self respect and that no other gain could compensate for the loss of this delicac v of nlind At the same time I do not see that this in incompatible with the use of the birch l'od if applied in a proper way I refer only to the birch rod twigs of from 2 to 3 feet long cut from a birch tree and tied together at one end to form'-a handle> and only advocate its use when all other_ means have been tried without effect To the ruler or cane I have a great ohjection having seen permanent bodily injury caused by them Firstly Then the birch should be reserved· for from F L M pages with transcript Artworks missing infobox template |