Keywords: Theodoor Rombouts - Allegorie van het Schepengerecht van Gedele in Gent.JPG Artwork Creator Theodoor Rombouts LangSwitch Allegory of the Court of Justice of �Gedele � in Ghent Allegorie van het Schepengerecht van Gedele in Gent Алего� ія Юстиції ~ 1627 oil canvas cm 435 382 Museum Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent S-75 Ophelia2 Artwork PD-old-100 Photo Flemish paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts Ghent Rombouts Theodoor Theodoor Rombouts 1620s paintings in Belgium 17th-century greyhounds in art Greyhounds in art with a classical theme not with Diana 17th-century paintings not categorised by year 17th-century allegorical paintings Sitting on stairs Blue textiles in art Paintings of cornucopia People with lions in art Files by User Ophelia2 |