Keywords: Tibetan, Central Tibet, Tsang (Ngor Monastery), Sakya order - Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Series - Google Art Project.jpg Assessments 1 <gallery> File Tibetan Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Series c 1429 �56 Central Tibet Tsang Ngor Monastery Sakya order Thangka jpg Same work from the Kimbell Art Museum File Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Cycle - Google Art Project jpg Another work of the same series </gallery> 28754557 /collection/kimbell-art-museum/artwork/four-mandalas-of-the-vajravali-series-tibetan-central-tibet-tsang-ngor-monastery-sakya-order/28231407/ Tibetan Central Tibet Tsang Ngor Monastery Sakya order /artist/tibetan-central-tibet-tsang-ngor-monastery-sakya-order/28697561/ 28697561 /collection/kimbell-art-museum/ Kimbell Art Museum 27808614 http //www kimbellart org/ /collection/kimbell-art-museum/artwork/four-mandalas-of-the-vajravali-series-tibetan-central-tibet-tsang-ngor-monastery-sakya-order/28231407/ 1429 c 1429 �56 Thangka gouache on cotton 88 9 28231407 False 1456 AP 2000 01 https //www kimbellart org/Collections/Collections-Detail aspx prov false cons false cid 8490 Kimbell Art Museum Fort Worth Texas thangkas 1420 1460 w73 x h88 cm c 1429 �56 False 0 833984375 Object four-mandalas-of-the-vajravali-series-tibetan-central-tibet-tsang-ngor-monastery-sakya-order Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Series Quatre Mandalas de la série Vajravali f 73 7 Thangka gouache on cotton special url_id qQErBDO0BtuQsQ PD-old-100 Google Art Project works by unknown artist Tibet Mandala thangka from Tibet Ngor Monastery Vajravarahi 15th-century paintings from Tibet Files uploaded by Yann Forget Featured pictures of art Featured pictures of Tibet Featured pictures by others nominated by Yann Forget Four Mandalas of the Vajravali Series |