Keywords: Tokarev-s-synom.jpg ru Ф В Тока� ев с сыном � иколаем у � учного пулемета системы � аксима-Тока� ева об� азца 1925 г или еще Тока� ев с сыном в пе� вом помещении КБ ТОЗ 1925 г Fedor Tokarev and his son with the Maxim-Tokarev model 1925 machine gun 1925 http //www opoccuu com/tokarev-s-synom jpg<br/> also appears in the book Болотин Давид 1995 Исто� ия советского ст� елкового о� ужия и пат� онов Полигон ISBN 5-85503-072-5 on p 168 different cropping <br/> the version with the same cropping as here is labeled Тока� ев с сыном в пе� вом помещении КБ ТОЗ 1925 г фото из соб� ания ВИ� АИВ и ВС in an http //www kalashnikov ru/upload/medialibrary/11a/budu-rabotat pdf article from Kalashnikov magazine 2011/6 p 32 author Custom license marker 2013 07 28 PD-Russia PD-1996 Note that in 1996 US URAA date in Russia their 1993 law was in force This granted copyright 50 years p m a or 50 years from date of creation for anonymous works Therefore the photo was public domain in Russia at URAA date so it is also public domain in the US I wish there was a template for this Comment This image is cropped differently than what can bee seen in the book by Bolotin the gun's muzzle and bipod are visible in the book although the right shoulder of Tokarev Jr is left out over there This image is of higher quality than what I can obtain by scanning the small half-column photo in that book Perhaps someone can find a big uncropped version somewhere Uploaded with UploadWizard Fedor Tokarev |