MAKE A MEME View Large Image Tosca Barteau Olinsky, the daughter of painter Ivan Olinsky, was born in Florence, Italy. She was both an active painter and teacher at the school at the Old Lyme Artists Colony. Olinsky painted using principals of modern art such as Cubism ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: smithsonian institution smithsonianinstitution womensday painter palette canvas woman artist portrait easel pallette standing olinsky test tag 2 testtag2 test tag 13 testtag13 test test tag 33 testtag33 black and white portrait photograph blackandwhiteportraitphotograph artist studio artiststudio dress art tosca ppj115443 studio shoes b/w bw photograph monochrome frame curtain box female tosca barleau olinsky painter cubism toscabarleauolinskypaintercubism photographic print photographicprint old art oldart past art pastart art photo artphoto smithsonian american art museum smithsonianamericanartmuseum blackandwhite black and white Description: Tosca Barteau Olinsky, the daughter of painter Ivan Olinsky, was born in Florence, Italy. She was both an active painter and teacher at the school at the Old Lyme Artists Colony. Olinsky painted using principals of modern art such as Cubism and Precisionism, with restrained, decorative subject matter, often choosing to paint still lifes. Creator/Photographer: Peter A. Juley & Son Medium: Black and white photographic print Dimensions: 8 in x 10 in Culture: American Persistent URL: Repository: Smithsonian American Art Museum, Photograph Archives Collection: Peter A. Juley & Son Collection - The Peter A. Juley & Son Collection is comprised of 127,000 black-and-white photographic negatives documenting the works of more than 11,000 American artists. Throughout its long history, from 1896 to 1975, the Juley firm served as the largest and most respected fine arts photography firm in New York. The Juley Collection, acquired by the Smithsonian American Art Museum in 1975, constitutes a unique visual record of American art sometimes providing the only photographic documentation of altered, damaged, or lost works. Included in the collection are over 4,700 photographic portraits of artists. Accession number: J0115443 Description: Tosca Barteau Olinsky, the daughter of painter Ivan Olinsky, was born in Florence, Italy. She was both an active painter and teacher at the school at the Old Lyme Artists Colony. Olinsky painted using principals of modern art such as Cubism and Precisionism, with restrained, decorative subject matter, often choosing to paint still lifes. Creator/Photographer: Peter A. Juley & Son Medium: Black and white photographic print Dimensions: 8 in x 10 in Culture: American Persistent URL: Repository: Smithsonian American Art Museum, Photograph Archives Collection: Peter A. Juley & Son Collection - The Peter A. Juley & Son Collection is comprised of 127,000 black-and-white photographic negatives documenting the works of more than 11,000 American artists. Throughout its long history, from 1896 to 1975, the Juley firm served as the largest and most respected fine arts photography firm in New York. The Juley Collection, acquired by the Smithsonian American Art Museum in 1975, constitutes a unique visual record of American art sometimes providing the only photographic documentation of altered, damaged, or lost works. Included in the collection are over 4,700 photographic portraits of artists. Accession number: J0115443
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