Keywords: Train wreck at Montparnasse 1895 - 2.jpg Train wreck at Montparnasse Station at Place de Rennes side now Place du 18 Juin 1940 Paris France 1895 Останки на локомотив п� и железопътно п� оизшествие на га� а � онпа� нас Па� иж Ф� анция 1895 Accident ferroviari a l'estació Montparnasse París França 1895 Damwain rheilffordd yng Nghorsaf Montparnasse Paris Ffrainc 1895 Ulykken på Gare Montparnasse Paris Frankrig 1895 Zugunglück am Gare Montparnasse Paris Frankreich 1895 Accidente ferroviario en la estación de Montparnasse París Francia 1895 Accident ferroviaire de la gare Montparnasse Paris France 1895 Incidente ferroviario alla stazione di Montparnasse Parigi Francia 1895 Vasúti szerencsétlenség a Montparnasse pályaudvaron Párizs Franciaország 1895 Treinongeluk Gare Montparnasse Parijs Frankrijk 1895 Wypadek pociągu na stacji Montparnasse Paryż Francja 1895 Ава� ия эксп� есса Г� анвиль-Па� иж Вокзал � онпа� нас 1895 Tai nạn tại ga Montparnasse Paris năm 1895 http //209 157 64 200/focus/f-chat/1066060/posts the images can be viewed on the copy archived at https //web archive org/web/20050823044913/http //209 157 64 200/focus/f-chat/1066060/posts Originally uploaded to Commons as File Train wreck at Montparnasse 1895 jpg version of 17 April 2006 The date of the accident is 1895 10 22 Exact photo date unknown Not credited at the source It is probably the photo attributed to Albert Brichaut https //www facebook com/ANPUH/posts/566529120045292 of which a print is kept in the Albert Brichaut fonds of the Carnavalet Museum and is item number 36642-14 in the Roger-Viollet collection It may also be the photo published in the Neurdein fonds item number 4878-10 in the Roger-Viollet collection which now owns the Neurdein fonds PD-old <gallery> File Mr Big - Lean Into It jpg Front cover of the music album Mr Big - Lean Into It File Mr Big - To Be With You jpg Front cover of the music album Mr Big - To Be With You </gallery> 48 50 37 N 2 19 24 E Train wreck at Montparnasse 1895 |