MAKE A MEME View Large Image Trans-Saharan routes early.svg en Trade routes of the Western Sahara c 1000-1500 Goldfields are indicated by light brown shading Map Map data from http //www naturalearthdata com/ 1 50m data Projection Equirectangular - Lat/Long - plate ...
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Keywords: Trans-Saharan routes early.svg en Trade routes of the Western Sahara c 1000-1500 Goldfields are indicated by light brown shading Map Map data from http //www naturalearthdata com/ 1 50m data Projection Equirectangular - Lat/Long - plate carrée Map limits N 38N S 3N E 12E W 18W Software Grass GIS 6 4 1 Inkscape 0 48 1 Scaled x30 in Inkscape to give 30 pixels per degree Routes The routes shown are based those given by Mauny 1961 Mauny gives maps for three periods 8th-10th centuries on page 429 11th-13th on page 430 and after the 14th century on page 434 The position of the goldfields is based on Mauny 1961 page 295 Levtzion has published a map of the trade routes both in Levtzion 1973 and in Levtzion Hopkins 1981 The map shows Tahert modern Tiaret in Algeria to the south of Tlemcen In fact Tahert should be to the East and slightly to the North of Tlemcen The map also shows Tamentit on the Draa River In fact Tamentit is one of the oases of Tuat � and instead the town of Tamdoult Tamdult lay near Akka to the north of the Draa A map showing trade routes 10th to 16th centuries is given in Cuoq 1975 on page 11 This map repeats the error made by Levtzion 1973 in placing Tahert to the south of Tlemcen Toponyms Assumptions the capital of Ghana was at Koumbi Saleh Takedda was at Azelik Aoudaghost was at Tegdaoust The Malian capital has not been included - there is no consensus on the location Orthography Aoudaghost - Awdaghost - Awdaghust Araouane - Araouane - Arawan Ouadane - Ouadane - Wadan Oualata - Oualata - Walata Ouargla - Wargla - Wargala Sijilmasa - Sidjilmassa - Sijilmasa References citation Cuoq Joseph M translator and editor 1975 Recueil des sources arabes concernant l'Afrique occidentale du VIIIe au XVIe siècle Bilād al-Sūdān Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Paris French 11 Reprinted in 1985 with corrections and additional texts ISBN 2222017181 citation Levtzion Nehemia Ancient Ghana and Mali Methuen London 1973 0841904316 138-139 Reprinted 1980 citation Levtzion Nehemia Hopkins John F P eds and trans Corpus of Early Arabic Sources for West Africa Marcus Weiner New York NY 2000 1-55876-241-8 xxii First published in 1981 by Cambridge University Press ISBN 0521224225 citation Mauny Raymond 1961 Tableau géographique de l'ouest africain au moyen age d �après les sources écrites la tradition et l'archéologie Institut français d'Afrique Noire Dakar French 426-432 Further reading citation Devisse J 1988 Trade and trade routes in West Africa el Fasi M General History of Africa Volume 3 Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century Berkeley University of California Press 367-435 0520039149 Includes a map of the Sahara showing isohytes and schematic diagrams of the trade routes with the number of stages specified by Ibn Hawkal al-Bakri and al-Idrisi 2011-08-05 own Aa77zz cc-zero Uploaded with UploadWizard Sahara Trade routes Maps showing history of Africa
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