MAKE A MEME View Large Image Tsar boyar duma.jpg Tsar en Mikhail Feodorovich at the session of the Boyar Duma 1893 Painting by Andrey Petrovich Ryabushkin 1862-1904 now in the en Tretyakov Gallery Tsar Mikhail pada sesi Boyar Duma oleh Andrei Ryabushkin Tsaar Michaël ...
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Keywords: Tsar boyar duma.jpg Tsar en Mikhail Feodorovich at the session of the Boyar Duma 1893 Painting by Andrey Petrovich Ryabushkin 1862-1904 now in the en Tretyakov Gallery Tsar Mikhail pada sesi Boyar Duma oleh Andrei Ryabushkin Tsaar Michaël Fjodorovitsj op de vergadering van de Bojaren Doema Andrej Rjaboesjkin 1893 Сидение ца� я � ихаила Фёдо� овича с боя� ами в его госуда� евой комнате 1893 I Mihály orosz cár a bojár dumával runivers ru http //www runivers ru/today4 php ID 63152 image Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia 1893 Creator Andrei Ryabushkin oil on canvas size cm 233 146 8 Museum Tretyakov Gallery credit line PD-old-100 Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich at the session of the Boyar Duma 1893 Painting by Andrey Petrovich Ryabushkin 1862-1904 now in the Tretyakov Gallery Michael I of Russia in history paintings History paintings of Andrei Ryabushkin 19th-century history paintings in the Tretyakov Gallery
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