MAKE A MEME View Large Image Tunguska event fallen trees.jpg Trees were knocked down and burned over hundreds of square km by the Tunguska meteoroid impact This image is cropped from the original taken in May 1929 during the Leonid Kulik expedition О еольный ...
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Keywords: Tunguska event fallen trees.jpg Trees were knocked down and burned over hundreds of square km by the Tunguska meteoroid impact This image is cropped from the original taken in May 1929 during the Leonid Kulik expedition О� еольный бу� елом вок� уг места вз� ыва Тунгусского феномена Все последние ве� сии - фотог� афия из жу� нала Вок� уг света СССР � осква 1931 год О� игинальное фото сделано в мае 1929 http //www astro uwo ca/~jlandstr/planets/webfigs/impacts/slide1 html original black and white version of photo / Vokrug Sveta 1931 current color version of photo May 1929 taken <ref> 2013-02-26 Евгений Леонидович К� инов 1949-05-22 ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕ� ИИ � АУК СССР Moscow Russian </ref> / 1931 published ru Евгений Леонидович К� инов member of the expedition to the Tunguska event in 1929 PD-Russia-2008 <gallery>File Tunguska Ereignis jpg</gallery> <references/> Images from Vokrug sveta Tunguska event 1929 in Russia Damaged trees Taiga in Russia
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