MAKE A MEME View Large Image Wikimedia Commons image page Description Description ''Two adult women standing with younger schoolgirls, Hunan, China, ca.1917-1923 “Girls school class. Miss Magness at left rear. Mrs. Layman at right rear.”; From the ...
View Original:Two_adult_women_standing_with_younger_schoolgirls,_Hunan,_China,_ca.1917-1923_(IMP-YDS-RG224-OV1-0000-0071).jpg (4742x3719)
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Keywords: wikimedia commons wikimediacommons magic_lantern_images magiclanternimages images_from_usc_digital_library_uploaded_by_fæ imagesfromuscdigitallibraryuploadedbyfæ international_mission_photography_archive,_ca.1860-ca.1960 internationalmissionphotographyarchiveca1860ca1960 students_in_china studentsinchina women people groupshot Wikimedia Commons image page Description Description ''Two adult women standing with younger schoolgirls, Hunan, China, ca.1917-1923 &amp;ldquo;Girls school class. Miss Magness at left rear. Mrs. Layman at right rear.&amp;rdquo;; From the lantern slide show of Rolland and Lottie Welch, who served under the United Evangelical Mission / Evangelical church in Hunan, China, from 1917 to 1923. Subject (aat): general views Photographer: Unidentified Filename: IMP-YDS-RG224-OV1-0000-0071 Coverage date: 1917/1923 Subject (unesco): Students; Women Part of collection: International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960 Geographic subject (region): Hunan Type: images Part of subcollection: Photographs from the Yale Divinity School Library, New Haven, Connecticut, ca.1880-1950 Repository name: Yale University. Divinity School. Day Missions Library Archival file: impa_Volume290/IMP-YDS-RG224-OV1-0000-0071.tiff Repository address: Yale University Divinity School Library, 409 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511 Geographic subject (country): China Geographic subject (continent): Asia Rights: Yale University. Divinity School. Day Missions Library Part of series: Yale Divinity Library Special Collections; Rolland and Lottie Welch Papers Repository email: [email protected] Date created: 1920/1940 Publisher (of the digital version): University of Southern California. Libraries Format (aat): lantern slides Legacy record ID: impa-m66715 Access conditions: http // File: YDS/RG224/OV1/0000/0071 Date 1920/1940 Author Unidentified Source http // }} License {{PD-1923}} {{PD-Old-70}} Magic lantern images Images from USC Digital Library uploaded by Fæ International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960 Students in China Women Wikimedia Commons image page Description Description ''Two adult women standing with younger schoolgirls, Hunan, China, ca.1917-1923 “Girls school class. Miss Magness at left rear. Mrs. Layman at right rear.”; From the lantern slide show of Rolland and Lottie Welch, who served under the United Evangelical Mission / Evangelical church in Hunan, China, from 1917 to 1923. Subject (aat): general views Photographer: Unidentified Filename: IMP-YDS-RG224-OV1-0000-0071 Coverage date: 1917/1923 Subject (unesco): Students; Women Part of collection: International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960 Geographic subject (region): Hunan Type: images Part of subcollection: Photographs from the Yale Divinity School Library, New Haven, Connecticut, ca.1880-1950 Repository name: Yale University. Divinity School. Day Missions Library Archival file: impa_Volume290/IMP-YDS-RG224-OV1-0000-0071.tiff Repository address: Yale University Divinity School Library, 409 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511 Geographic subject (country): China Geographic subject (continent): Asia Rights: Yale University. Divinity School. Day Missions Library Part of series: Yale Divinity Library Special Collections; Rolland and Lottie Welch Papers Repository email: [email protected] Date created: 1920/1940 Publisher (of the digital version): University of Southern California. Libraries Format (aat): lantern slides Legacy record ID: impa-m66715 Access conditions: http // File: YDS/RG224/OV1/0000/0071 Date 1920/1940 Author Unidentified Source http // }} License {{PD-1923}} {{PD-Old-70}} Magic lantern images Images from USC Digital Library uploaded by Fæ International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960 Students in China Women <b> <a href=",_Hunan,_China,_ca.1917-1923_(IMP-YDS-RG224-OV1-0000-0071).jpg" rel="nofollow">Wikimedia Commons image page</a></b> <b>Description</b> <em>Description</em> ''Two adult women standing with younger schoolgirls, Hunan, China, ca.1917-1923 &ldquo;Girls school class. Miss Magness at left rear. Mrs. Layman at right rear.&rdquo;; From the lantern slide show of Rolland and Lottie Welch, who served under the United Evangelical Mission / Evangelical church in Hunan, China, from 1917 to 1923. <b>Subject (aat)</b>: general views <b>Photographer</b>: Unidentified <b>Filename</b>: IMP-YDS-RG224-OV1-0000-0071 <b>Coverage date</b>: 1917/1923 <b>Subject (unesco)</b>: Students; Women <b>Part of collection</b>: International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960 <b>Geographic subject (region)</b>: Hunan <b>Type</b>: images <b>Part of subcollection</b>: Photographs from the Yale Divinity School Library, New Haven, Connecticut, ca.1880-1950 <b>Repository name</b>: Yale University. Divinity School. Day Missions Library <b>Archival file</b>: impa_Volume290/IMP-YDS-RG224-OV1-0000-0071.tiff <b>Repository address</b>: Yale University Divinity School Library, 409 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511 <b>Geographic subject (country)</b>: China <b>Geographic subject (continent)</b>: Asia <b>Rights</b>: Yale University. Divinity School. Day Missions Library <b>Part of series</b>: Yale Divinity Library Special Collections; Rolland and Lottie Welch Papers <b>Repository email</b>: [email protected] <b>Date created</b>: 1920/1940 <b>Publisher (of the digital version)</b>: University of Southern California. Libraries <b>Format (aat)</b>: lantern slides <b>Legacy record ID</b>: impa-m66715 <b>Access conditions</b>: http // <b>File</b>: YDS/RG224/OV1/0000/0071 <em>Date</em> 1920/1940 <em>Author</em> Unidentified <em>Source</em> http // }} <b>License</b> {{PD-1923}} {{PD-Old-70}} Magic lantern images Images from USC Digital Library uploaded by Fæ International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960 Students in China Women women wikimediacommons studentsinchina magiclanternimages imagesfromuscdigitallibraryuploadedbyfæ internationalmissionphotographyarchiveca1860ca1960
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