Keywords: Typhoid inoculation2.jpg en Dr Schreiber of San Augustine giving a typhoid innoculation at a rural school San Augustine County Texas April 1943 Medium transparency color fr Dr Schreiber fait une vaccination dans une école rurale du conté de San Augustine au Texas États-Unis Diapositive couleur 1943 Il Dottor Schreiber di Sant'Agostino mentre effettua una vaccinazione in una scuola di campagna a San Augustine County Texas 1943 Trasferito dall'Ufficio di Informazione di Guerra USA nel 1944 ru Докто� Ш� айбе� из Сент-Августина штат Техас делает п� ививку от б� юшного тифа в сельской школе Ап� ель 1943 года США Library of Congress CALL NUMBER LC-USW36-828 P P Transfer from U S Office of War Information 1944 loc-image fsac 1a35422 John Vachon<sup> w </sup> for the United States Farm Security Administration<sup> w </sup> 1943-04 PD-USGov-FSA Restored version of Image Typhoid inoculation jpg with dirt scratches and fibers removed Histogram adjusted and color balanced PD-USGov Assessments 1 1 Typhoid vaccination 1 1 picture of the day 2009 03 31 Typhoid vaccines Featured pictures of Texas Featured pictures from the Library of Congress |