Keywords: U2 GrandSlam-ru.png en Francis Gary Powers' U-2 GRAND SLAM flight plan on 1 May 1960 according to Text of Indictment on Spy Pilot Powers ru План полёта самолёта U-2 Ф� энсиса Гэ� и Пауэ� са в ходе опе� ации «Grand Slam» 1 мая 1960 года U2_GrandSlam png 50 2013-11-24 04 31 UTC U2_GrandSlam png Enemenemu own work derivative work Sealle Russian translation Sealle U2_GrandSlam png Cc-zero Original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File U2_GrandSlam png licensed with Cc-zero 2011-01-06T18 42 14Z Enemenemu 941x630 139150 Bytes <nowiki> Francis Gary Powers' U-2 GRAND SLAM flight plan on 1 May 1960 according to Text of Indictment on Spy Pilot Powers Own work based on flight plan information provided in FOIA release doc</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX 1960 U-2 incident Flight path maps Maps of Eurasia |