Keywords: Unknown (GTG).jpg Thought to be Nikolai Argunov's selfportrait � еизвестный художник пе� вой т� ети ХIХ века По� т� ет неизвестного молодого человека 1810-е годы ГТГ Ранее � � иколай А� гунов Автопо� т� ет http //www nasledie-rus ru/podshivka/pics/7711-pictures php picture 771121 1810-е годы Author Museum Tretyakov Gallery credit line PD-old-100 19th-century portraits in the Tretyakov Gallery Not a self-portrait 19th-century unidentified painters from Russia 1810s portraits of Russia male Portrait paintings of unidentified men of Russia Men smiling in art Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Portraits of common people of Russia |