MAKE A MEME View Large Image Labor Participation Rate by gender.svg validSVG en Graph of US Civilian Labor Participation Rate from 1948 to 2011 by gender Men are represented in light blue women in pink and the total in black Bureau of Labor Statistics within the United ...
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Keywords: US Labor Participation Rate by gender.svg validSVG en Graph of US Civilian Labor Participation Rate from 1948 to 2011 by gender Men are represented in light blue women in pink and the total in black Bureau of Labor Statistics within the United States Department of Labor User Int21h 2011-10-08 cc-zero thumbthumb Source code <source lang python > /usr/bin/env python Create an SVG graph of BLS timeseries data using matplotlib and BeautifulSoup import matplotlib figure import datetime import bs4 import matplotlib backends backend_cairo import string import urllib2 def main url 'http //data bls gov/timeseries/ s years_option specific_years include_graphs true to_year 2011 from_year 1948' total_series 'LNS11300000' men_series 'LNS11300001' women_series 'LNS11300002' fig ax init_figure add_plot ax scrape_bls bs4 BeautifulSoup urllib2 urlopen url total_series 'black' add_plot ax scrape_bls bs4 BeautifulSoup urllib2 urlopen url men_series 'lightblue' add_plot ax scrape_bls bs4 BeautifulSoup urllib2 urlopen url women_series 'pink' save_figure fig 'US Labor Participation Rate 1948-2011 by gender svg' Scrape the BLS soup for the data def scrape_bls soup table soup find_all 'table' attrs 'class' 'regular-data' assert len table 1 table table0 data years_lc t for t in r if type t is bs4 element Tag for r in table contents4 if type r is bs4 element Tag for row in years_lc year int row0 text months float t text for t in row1 if any c in string printable and c ' ' for c in t text data append year months return data Add plot to figure Extra parameters are passed to matplotlib axes Axes plot def add_plot axis data args x y for year months in data for month n in enumerate months x append datetime date year month+1 1 y append n axis plot x y args Initialize figure def init_figure figure matplotlib figure Figure axis figure add_subplot 111 axis xaxis set_major_locator matplotlib dates YearLocator 6 axis xaxis set_major_formatter matplotlib dates DateFormatter ' Y' axis grid True return figure axis Save figure def save_figure figure filename figure canvas matplotlib backends backend_cairo FigureCanvasCairo figure figure savefig filename transparent True if __name__ __main__ main </source> Labour Economic information graphics Economy of the United States SVG charts in English Sociological trend graphs
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