MAKE A MEME View Large Image US LGBT civil rights animation.gif Animated map displaying civil rights protection for employees based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the United States current as of November 24 2011 User Slyguy -- used Inkscape to create ...
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Keywords: US LGBT civil rights animation.gif Animated map displaying civil rights protection for employees based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the United States current as of November 24 2011 User Slyguy -- used Inkscape to create frames and Unfreez and Jasc Animation Shop for the animation 2011-11-24 Please refer to the citations contained within the lists on this page Based on Image Blank_US_Map svg GFDL List of events depicted in the animated map Chronological order 1972 gray No LGBT civil rights at the state level although the first local protections were enacted this year in Michigan in East Lansing and Ann Arbor and in New York City <ref>Eskridge William K Jr 1999 In http //books google com/books id BZTnDgeygHkC pg PA130 lpg PA130 Gaylaw Challenging the Apartheid of the Closet Harvard University Press paperback edition 2002 p 130 ISBN 0-674-00804-9 Google Books Retrieved on January 26 2011 </ref><br> 1973 District of Columbia blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 >Mooney Linda A David Knox Caroline Schacht 2009 In http //books google com/books id 1Zb3-2UxHyUC pg PT493 lpg PT493 Understanding Social Problems 6th Edition Wadsworth Cengage Learning p 467 ISBN 0-495-50428-9 Google Book Search Retrieved on January 23 2011 </ref><br> 1975 Pennsylvania teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name ThePoliticsOfGayRightsp272 >Rimmerman Craig A Kenneth D Wald Clyde Wilcox 2000 In http //books google com/books id wnZp_uITpTsC pg PA272 lpg PA272 The Politics of Gay Rights The University of Chicago Press p 272 ISBN 0-226-71999-5 Google Book Search Retrieved on January 23 2011 </ref><br> 1979 California teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name JerryBrown1979 >Brown Jerry http //www jerrybrown org/civil-rights Civil Rights Jerrybrown com Accessed 2011-01-23 </ref><br> 1982 Wisconsin blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 1983 New York teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name MarioCuomo1983 >Quinn Christine http //www gothamgazette com/article/fea/20040308/202/904 Bloomberg Must Speak Up on Gay Marriage Gotham Gazette 2004-03-08 Accessed 2011-01-23 </ref><br> 7 Ohio teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name GayPeoplesChronicleJanuary142011 >Resnick Eric http //www gaypeopleschronicle com/stories11/january/0114111 htm Kasich lets LGBT job bias rule expire Gay People's Chronicle 2011-01-14 Accessed 2011-01-23 </ref><br> 1985 New Mexico teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name NewMexico1985 >http //www hrc org/1525 htm New Mexico Non-Discrimination Law Human Rights Campaign 2007-03-20 Accessed 2011-01-23 </ref><br> 7 Rhode Island teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name RhodeIsland1985 >Cumming Doug http //pqasb pqarchiver com/projo/access/604929821 html dids 604929821 604929821 FMT ABS 'Gay rights' proponents foes to debate ordinance tonight 'Sexual orientation' back in spotlight at Providence hearing Fee required for access to the full article The Providence Journal 1985-09-03 Accessed 2011-01-23 </ref><ref name RhodeIsland1985b >http //www2 law ucla edu/williamsinstitute/programs/ENDA/Rhode 20Island 20Final pdf Memorandum -- Rhode Island -- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Documentation of Discrimination p 9 Acrobat format Refers to Rhode Island Executive Order No 11 1985 Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy The Williams Institute 2009-09 Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 7 Washington teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name BoothGardner1985 >Gardner Booth http //www governor wa gov/execorders/eoarchive/eo85-09 htm Executive Order 85-09 Governor of Washington web site 1985-12-24 Accessed 2011-01-23 </ref><br> 1987 Oregon teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Oregon1987 >http //news google com/newspapers id RKpFAAAAIBAJ sjid OocDAAAAIBAJ pg 3720 2165415 Roberts pushes gay rights bill 1991 April 17 The Associated Press via The Bulletin Bend Oregon p A-7 Retrieved January 23 2011 via Google News Archive </ref><br> 1988 Oregon gray Sexual orientation no longer protected in state employment <ref name Oregon1992 >Beggs Charles E 1992 November 12 http //news google com/newspapers id 3BcpAAAAIBAJ sjid mYYDAAAAIBAJ pg 6280 2560314 Anti-gay measure voided The Associated Press via The Bulletin Bend Oregon p A-1 Retrieved January 23 2011 via Google News archive </ref><br> 1989 Massachusetts blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 1990 Colorado teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Colorado1990 >Robinson B A http //www religioustolerance org/hom_laws7 htm Targeting Gays and Lesbians Ruling by the U S Supreme Court in Romer v Evans Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance 2003-07-07 Accessed 2011-01-23 </ref><br> 1991 Connecticut blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Hawaii blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Minnesota teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Minnesota1991 >Carlson Arne http //www leg mn/archive/execorders/91-04 pdf Executive Order 91-4 Adobe Acrobat format Minnesota Legislature 1991-01-29 Accessed 2011-01-23 </ref><br> 7 New Jersey teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name NewJersey1991 >Florio James G http //www state nj us/infobank/circular/eof39 htm Executive Order 39 The State of New Jersey 1991-08-16 Accessed 2011-01-23 </ref><br> 1992 California blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Louisiana teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Louisiana1992to2008 >http //www2 law ucla edu/williamsinstitute/pdf/Louisiana 20Final pdf Louisiana -- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Documentation of Discrimination Adobe Acrobat document The Williams Institute 2009-09 Accessed 2011-01-23 </ref><br> 7 New Jersey blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Vermont blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Oregon teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Oregon1992 ></ref><br> 1993 Minnesota purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 1995 Maryland teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Maryland1995 >http //www2 law ucla edu/williamsinstitute/programs/ENDA/Maryland 20final 20 284 29 pdf Memorandum Maryland -- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Documentation of Discrimination p 7 Acrobat format refers to Maryland Executive Order 01 01 1995 19 1995 Code of Fair Employment Practices The Williams Institute 2009-09 Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 7 Rhode Island blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 1996 Illinois teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Illinois1996 >http //books google com/books id R2QEAAAAMBAJ pg PA20 lpg PA20 The nation map 1996 December 24 The Advocate p 20 Retrieved January 25 2011 via Google Books search </ref><br> 7 Louisiana gray Sexual orientation no longer protected in state employment <ref name Louisiana1992to2008 ></ref><br> 1998 New Hampshire blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name NH >http //www nytimes com/1997/06/08/us/new-hampshire-chief-signs-gay-rights-bill html New Hampshire Chief Signs Gay Rights Bill</ref><br> 1999 Iowa fuchsia Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Iowa19992000 >http //www gaylawnet com/laws/us_ia htm Laws -- United States of America -- Iowa GayLawNet Publication date unknown Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 7 Nevada blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Ohio gray Sexual orientation no longer protected in state employment <ref name GayPeoplesChronicleJanuary142011 ></ref><br> 2000 Delaware teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Delaware2000 >http //legis delaware gov/lis/register nsf/vwRegisters/49/ file/March2001 txt openelement Delaware Registrar of Regulations Volume 4 Issue 9 In December 2000 Executive Order 83 was issued by Governor Thomas Carper prohibiting State agencies from discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation Legis delaware gov 2001-03 Accessed 2010-01-25 </ref><br> 7 Iowa gray Sexual orientation and gender identity no longer protected in state employment <ref name Iowa19992000 ></ref><br> 7 Montana teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Montana2000 >http //www2 law ucla edu/williamsinstitute/programs/ENDA/Montana 20Final 20 283 29 pdf Memorandum Montana -- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Documentation of Discrimination p 1 Acrobat format The Williams Institute 2009-09 Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 2001 Indiana teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Indiana2001 >Smith Raymond A Donald Haider-Markel 2002 In http //books google com/books id m_boGY8AUTIC pg PA317 lpg PA317 Gay and Lesbian Americans and Political Participation A Reference Handbook ABC-CLIO Inc p 317 ISBN 1-57607-256-8 Google Book Search Retrieved on January 25 2011 </ref><br> 7 Maine teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Maine2001 >Wills Donald A http //www maine gov/bhr/rules_policies/bulletins/csbull13-4B htm Civil Service Bulletin 13 4B section Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy Statement issued 2001-01-17 by governor Angus S King Jr State of Maine Bureau of Human Resources 2001-05-01 Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 7 Maryland blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Rhode Island purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 2002 Alaska teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Alaska2002 >http //www hrc org/documents/sow2002 pdf The State of the Workplace for Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Americans 2002 p 5 Acrobat format Human Rights Campaign 2003 Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 7 New York blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 2003 Arizona teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Arizona2003 >Napolitano Janet http //www azlibrary gov/is/state/eo/2003-22 pdf Executive Order 2003-22 Acrobat format Arizona State Library 2003-06-21 Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 7 California purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Kentucky fuchsia Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Kentucky2003 >Lisotta Christopher 2003 July 8 http //books google com/books id TWUEAAAAMBAJ pg PA15 lpg PA15 Kentucky tug-of-war The Advocate p 15 Retrieved January 25 2011 via Google Books </ref><br> 7 Michigan teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Michigan2003 >Stevenson Jan http //www pridesource com/article html article 5958 Granholm extends protections to LGBT state employees PrideSource 2004-01-01 Accessed 2011-01-26 </ref><br> 7 New Mexico purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Pennsylvania fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Pennsylvania2003 >Budoff Carrie http //www genderadvocates org/News/PAOrder html Rendell broadens protection against gender-identity bias The Philadelphia Inquirer via Illinois Gender Advocates 2003-07-29 Accessed 2011-01-26 </ref><br> 2004 Indiana fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Indiana2004 >http //transequality org/Newsletter/2004/Sept04Newsletter pdf Indiana Extends Job Protections to Transgender State Employees Issues Alert Acrobat format National Center for Transgender Equality 2004-09 Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 7 Louisiana teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Louisiana1992to2008 ></ref><br> 2005 Illinois purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Maine purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Virginia teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Virginia2005 >Shear Michael D Chris L Jenkins http //www washingtonpost com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12/16/AR2005121601908 html Warner Protects Gays in Va Hiring The Washington Post 2005-12-17 Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 2006 District of Columbia purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Kentucky gray Sexual orientation and gender identity no longer protected in state employment <ref name Kentucky2006 >http //kentuckyfairness org/getinformed/newsroom/enews/0605/0506fletcher html Fletcher's True Colors Equal Opportunity for Some Kentucky Fairness Alliance Spring 2006 Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 7 New Jersey purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Washington purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 2007 Colorado purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Iowa purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Kansas fuchsia Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Kansas2007 >Johnson Chris http //www hrcbackstory org/2007/08/kansas-governor-signs-executive-order-banning-employment-discrimination-against-public-employees-based-on-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity/ Kansas governor signs executive order banning employment discrimination against public employees based on sexual orientation and gender identity Human Rights Campaign 2007-08-31 Accessed 2011-01-26 </ref><br> 7 Maryland fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Maryland2007 >http //equalitymaryland org/issues/genderidentity Gender Identity Discrimination Equality Maryland Publication date unknown Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 7 Michigan fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Michigan2007 >Heywood Todd A http //michiganmessenger com/471/governor-prohibits-discrimination-in-state-employment-on-the-basis-of-gender-identity-expression Governor prohibits discrimination in state employment on the basis of gender identity expression The Michigan Messenger 2007-11-26 Accessed 2011-01-26 </ref><br> 7 Ohio fuchsia Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment <ref name GayPeoplesChronicleJanuary142011 ></ref><br> 7 Oregon purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name Oregon2007 >Runkel Ross http //www lawmemo com/blog/2007/05/sexual_orientat_2 html Sexual orientation gender identity discrimination unlawful in Oregon LawMemo 2007-05-09 Accessed 2011-01-26 </ref><br> 7 Vermont purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 2008 Kentucky fuchsia Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Kentucky2008 >http //equalityparty blogspot com/2008/06/kentucky-governor-bans-discrimination html Kentucky Governor bans discrimination for sexual orientation/gender identity The Equality Party blog 2008-06-03 Accessed 2011-01-26 </ref><br> 7 Louisiana gray Executive order allowed to expire on LGB protection <ref name August2008>http //www 365gay com/news/louisiana-gov-drops-gay-anti-discrimination-order/</ref><br> 2009 Delaware blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name Delaware2009 >http //governor delaware gov/news/2009/07july/20090702-equalrights shtml Markell Signs Landmark Equal Rights Law State of Delaware 2009-07-02 Accessed 2011-01-26 </ref><br> 7 Delaware fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref>http //governor delaware gov/orders/exec_order_8 shtml</ref><br> 7 New York fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref name NewYork2009 >Scholl Diana http //www housingworks org/blogs/detail/gov-paterson-signs-gender-expression-discrimination-executive-order-urges-s/ Gov Paterson Signs Gender Expression Discrimination Executive Order Urges Senate to Pass GENDA Housing Works 2009-12-15 Accessed 2011-01-26 </ref><br> 2010 Virginia gray Sexual orientation no longer protected <ref name Virginia2010>Helderman Rosalind S http //www washingtonpost com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/09/AR2010020903739 html Virginia governor's anti-bias order removes language regarding sexual orientation The Washington Post 2010-02-10 Accessed 2011-01-25 </ref><br> 7 Missouri teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Missouri2010 >http //www publicbroadcasting net/kwmu/news newsmain/article/1/0/1680161/St Louis Public Radio News/Missouri nondiscrimination policy expanded to gays veterans Missouri nondiscrimination policy expanded to gays veterans St Louis Public Radio 2010-07-26 Accessed 2011-01-26 </ref><br> 2011 Ohio teal Gender identity no longer protected in state employment <ref name OhioJanuary2011 >http //www dispatch com/live/content/local_news/stories/2011/01/22/kasich-alters-order-on-work-rights html sid 101</ref><br> 7 Hawaii purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name Hawaii2011 >http //www greenfieldreporter com/view/story/4af3169b6fb14b18a22d1f2552e538d4/HI-XGR--Gender-Discrimination/ Hawaii Gov Abercrombie signs bill preventing gender identity or expression discrimination The Associated Press via Daily Reporter Greenfield Indiana 2011-05-03 Accessed 2011-05-04 </ref><br> 7 Nevada purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name Nevada2011 >Vogel Ed http //www lvrj com/news/sandoval-signs-transgender-job-discrimination-bill-122529078 html Sandoval signs transgender job discrimination bill Las Vegas Review-Journal 2011-05-24 Accessed 2011-05-24 </ref><br> 7 Connecticut purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name Connecticut2011 >Edwards David http //www rawstory com/rs/2011/07/06/connecticut-governor-signs-law-protecting-transgender-people/ Connecticut governor signs law protecting transgender people The Raw Story 2011-07-06 Accessed 2011-07-07 </ref><br> 2012 Massachusetts purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name Massachusetts2011 >http //www boston com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2011/11/23/mass_gov_patrick_signs_transgender_rights_bill/</ref><br> By state gray Alabama <br> 7 gray No protection <br> teal Alaska <br> 7 Since 2002 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Alaska2002 ></ref><br> teal Arizona <br> 7 Since 2003 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Arizona2003 ></ref><br> gray Arkansas <br> 7 gray No protection <br> purple California <br> 7 Since 1979 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name JerryBrown1979 ></ref><br> 7 Since 1992 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2003 purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> purple Colorado <br> 7 Since 1990 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Colorado1990 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2007 purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> purple Connecticut <br> 7 Since 1991 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2011 purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name Connecticut2011 ></ref><br> blue Delaware <br> 7 Since 2000 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Delaware2000 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2009 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name Delaware2009 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2009 fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref>http //governor delaware gov/orders/exec_order_8 shtml</ref><br> gray Florida <br> 7 gray No protection <br> gray Georgia <br> 7 gray No protection <br> purple Hawaii <br> 7 Since 1991 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2011 purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name Hawaii2011 ></ref><br> gray Idaho <br> 7 gray No protection <br> purple Illinois <br> 7 Since 1996 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Illinois1996 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2005 purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> fuchsia Indiana <br> 7 Since 2001 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Indiana2001 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2004 fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Indiana2004 ></ref><br> purple Iowa <br> 7 1999-2000 fuchsia Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Iowa19992000 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2007 purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> fuchsia Kansas <br> 7 Since 2007 fuchsia Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Kansas2007 ></ref><br> fuchsia Kentucky <br> 7 2003-2006 as of 2008 fuchsia Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Kentucky2003 ></ref><ref name Kentucky2006 ></ref><ref name Kentucky2008 ></ref><br> gray Louisiana <br> 7 1992-1996 2004-2008 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Louisiana1992to2008 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2008 gray No protection <ref name August2008/><br> purple Maine <br> 7 Since 2001 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Maine2001 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2005 purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> blue Maryland <br> 7 Since 1995 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Maryland1995 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2001 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2007 fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Maryland2007 ></ref><br> purple Massachusetts <br> 7 Since 1989 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2012 purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name Massachusetts2011 ></ref><br> fuchsia Michigan <br> 7 Since 2003 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Michigan2003 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2007 fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Michigan2007 ></ref><br> purple Minnesota <br> 7 Since 1991 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Minnesota1991 ></ref><br> 7 Since 1993 purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> gray Mississippi <br> 7 gray No protection <br> teal Missouri <br> 7 Since 2010 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Missouri2010 ></ref><br> teal Montana <br> 7 Since 2000 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Montana2000 ></ref><br> gray Nebraska <br> 7 gray No protection <br> purple Nevada <br> 7 Since 1999 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2011 purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name Nevada2011 ></ref><br> blue New Hampshire <br> 7 Since 1998 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name NH /><br> purple New Jersey <br> 7 Since 1991 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name NewJersey1991 ></ref><br> 7 Since 1992 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2006 purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> purple New Mexico <br> 7 Since 1985 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name NewMexico1985 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2003 purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> blue New York <br> 7 Since 1983 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name MarioCuomo1983 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2002 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2009 fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref name NewYork2009 ></ref><br> gray North Carolina <br> 7 gray No protection <br> gray North Dakota <br> 7 gray No protection <br> teal Ohio <br> 7 1983-1999 teal Sexual orientation only protected in state employment <ref name GayPeoplesChronicleJanuary142011 ></ref><br> 7 2007-2011 fuchsia Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in state employment <ref name GayPeoplesChronicleJanuary142011 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2011 teal Sexual orientation only protected in state employment <ref name OhioJanuary2011 ></ref><br> gray Oklahoma <br> 7 gray No protection <br> purple Oregon <br> 7 1987 since 1992 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Oregon1987 ></ref><ref name Oregon1992 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2007 purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name Oregon2007 ></ref><br> fuchsia Pennsylvania <br> 7 Since 1975 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name ThePoliticsOfGayRightsp272 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2003 fuchsia Gender identity protected in state employment <ref name Pennsylvania2003 ></ref><br> purple Rhode Island <br> 7 Since 1985 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name RhodeIsland1985 ></ref><ref name RhodeIsland1985b ></ref><br> 7 Since 1995 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2001 purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> gray South Carolina <br> 7 gray No protection <br> gray South Dakota <br> 7 gray No protection <br> gray Tennessee <br> 7 gray No protection <br> gray Texas <br> 7 gray No protection <br> gray Utah <br> 7 gray No protection <br> purple Vermont <br> 7 Since 1992 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2007 purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> gray Virginia <br> 7 2005-2010 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name Virginia2005 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2010 gray Sexual orientation no longer protected in state employment <ref name Virginia2010></ref><br> purple Washington <br> 7 Since 1985 teal Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name BoothGardner1985 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2006 purple Sexual orientation and gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> gray West Virginia <br> 7 gray No protection <br> blue Wisconsin <br> 7 Since 1982 blue Sexual orientation protected in state employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> gray Wyoming <br> 7 gray No protection <br> purple District of Columbia <br> 7 Since 1973 blue Sexual orientation protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> 7 Since 2006 purple Gender identity protected in all employment <ref name UnderstandingSocialProblemsp467 ></ref><br> References pages
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