MAKE A MEME View Large Image Navy 040704-N-1464F-002 Argentinean Marine 1st Cpl. Christian Cortes applies face paint aboard the Peruvian tank landing ship B.A.P. Callao (DT-143) in preparation for the largest amphibious assault exercise.jpg en Salinas Peru July 4 2004 ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: US Navy 040704-N-1464F-002 Argentinean Marine 1st Cpl. Christian Cortes applies face paint aboard the Peruvian tank landing ship B.A.P. Callao (DT-143) in preparation for the largest amphibious assault exercise.jpg en Salinas Peru July 4 2004 - Argentinean Marine 1st Cpl Christian Cortes applies face paint aboard the Peruvian tank landing ship B A P Callao DT-143 in preparation for the largest amphibious assault exercise in Latin America during UNITAS 45-04 Eleven partner nations from the U S and Latin America came together for the largest multilateral exercise in the Southern Hemisphere Held since 1959 UNITAS aims to unite military forces throughout the Americas with bilateral and multilateral shipboard amphibious and in-port exercises and operations UNITAS improves operational readiness and interoperability of U S and South American naval coast guard and marine forces while promoting friendship professionalism and understanding among participants U S Navy photo by Chief Journalist Dave Fliesen RELEASED 2004-07-04 040704-N-1464F-002 Navy http //www navy mil/view_image asp id 15765 U S Navy photo by Chief Journalist Dave Fliesen PD-USGov-Military-Navy United States Navy in Salinas Peru Camouflage facepainting
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