MAKE A MEME View Large Image USArmyTrauma.jpg On the front lines of the conflict in Iraq U S Army forward surgical teams administer life-saving advanced medical care to injured combatants and civilians Through a ground-breaking partnership with Jackson Memorial ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: USArmyTrauma.jpg On the front lines of the conflict in Iraq U S Army forward surgical teams administer life-saving advanced medical care to injured combatants and civilians Through a ground-breaking partnership with Jackson Memorial Hospital's Ryder Trauma Center in Miami Fla the Army Trauma Training Center provides real-time trauma medical training to active Army and Reserve medical teams ensuring fighting soldiers receive the same high-tech care on the front lines as they would in the Army's foremost medical centers http //www armymedicine army mil 2003-03 U S Army Medical Command photo PD-USGov Personality rights Original upload log de wikipedia Gikü CommonsHelper de wikipedia USArmyTrauma jpg 2006-12-03 01 36 Wikifreund 2896×1956× 1873471 bytes <nowiki> Information On the front lines of the conflict in Iraq U S Army forward surgical teams administer life-saving advanced medical care to injured combatants and civilians Through a ground-breaking partnership with Jackson Memorial Hospita</nowiki> __NOTOC__ Forward Surgical Team University of Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital
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