Keywords: Каранаванне Маці Божай. ХVІІІ ст. З Ліды. Музей старажытнабеларускай культуры НАН Беларусі.jpg be Ка� анаванне � аці Божай ХVІІІ ст З Ліды � узей ста� ажытнабела� ускай культу� ы � А� Бела� усі 18th-century http //media catholic by/nv/n12/art4gallery htm author 18th-century icons of Belarus Icons of Coronation of Mary Marian icons in Belarus 18th-century paintings of Coronation of Mary Paintings of the Coronation of Mary in Belarus Custom license marker 2014 04 01 PD-old-100 Uploaded with UploadWizard 18th-century paintings in the Old Belarusian History Museum |