Keywords: Valerian V. Andreevsky.jpeg ru Вале� иан Вале� ианович Анд� еевский � усский офице� ге� ой Пе� вой ми� овой войны 1915 Иллюст� и� ованное п� иложение к газете «� овое В� емя» за фев� аль 1915 года �� 13983 author Custom license marker 2013 05 24 PD-RusEmpire Uploaded with UploadWizard 1875 births 1915 portrait photographs 20th-century black and white portrait photographs of men at bust length 20th-century men of Poland 20th-century men of Russia Black and white portrait photographs of military people in uniform Colonels of the Russian Empire Knights of the Order of St Anna Knights of the Order of St Vladimir Men looking left Men with moustaches People with medals Portrait photographs of men wearing hats Recipients of the Order of Saint Stanislaus Russian Russian military personnel of the Great War |