Keywords: Van de Velde W Seeschlacht.JPG Artwork Creator Willem van de Velde II Batalla de Solebay Die Seeschlacht von Solebay The Battle of Solebay Batalla de Solebay Bataille de Solebay ソールベイの海戦 De Slag bij Solebay Bitwa pod Solebay Batalha de Solebay С� ажение п� и Солебее 1673 Oil on canvas cm 34 5 50 8 Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum accession number PAM 883 object history credit line LangSwitch Dauerleihgabe Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen Permanent loan to the State Conservation Office Hesse 00052619 Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum http //www bildindex de/bilder/d/fmc654368 Image by Bildarchiv Foto Marburg PD-old-100 Willem van de Velde II Paintings in the Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum 17th-century sailing ships in paintings 17th-century paintings of naval battles Battle of Solebay 17th-century marine paintings |