MAKE A MEME View Large Image Van Gogh - Bildnis der Mutter des Künstlers.jpeg Artwork Q7232350 Creator Vincent van Gogh Arles 1888 10 oil canvas cm 40 5 32 5 institution Norton Simon Museum accession number M 1968 32 P http //www nortonsimon org/collections/...
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Keywords: Van Gogh - Bildnis der Mutter des Künstlers.jpeg Artwork Q7232350 Creator Vincent van Gogh Arles 1888 10 oil canvas cm 40 5 32 5 institution Norton Simon Museum accession number M 1968 32 P http //www nortonsimon org/collections/browse_title php id M 1968 32 P The Norton Simon Museum<br/>http //www vangoghgallery com/catalog/Painting/2131/Portrait 20of 20the 20Artist 27s 20Mother html vangoghgallery com object history http //www nortonsimonartfoundation org/collections/provenance php id M 1968 32 P credit line exhibition history 1901 Paris 20 1914 Berlin 73 1925 Vienna 74 1926 Dresden 212 1943 New York 33 1960 Philadelphia Van Gogh catalogues 477 1600 <br/> The paining is after a photograph here The photograph annoyed Vincent so he made a copy of it The painting was in the collection of Carl Moll until at least 1914 and can be seen in his Self Portrait in his Study hanging on the wall http //vangoghletters org/vg/search/advanced originaltext original translation translation annotations notes essays essays bibliography bibliography other other term person_terms person_code literature_terms literature_code workofart_terms workofart_code sketch_terms sketch_code bibleref_terms bibleref_code f_number 477 jh_number periodical from 1 to 1 id_range id_type jlb_id date_from 1872-09-29 date_until 1890-07-31 period correspondent_name correspondent_id place_name place_id order date search2 x 22 search2 y 8 Letters cite web Letter 699 To Theo van Gogh Arles Monday 8 October 1888 http //vangoghletters org/vg/letters/let699/letter html n-13 Vincent van Gogh The Letters Van Gogh Museum 2v 6 That �s to say I �m doing a portrait of our mother for myself I can �t look at the colourless photograph and I �m trying to do one with harmonious colour as I see her in my memory cite web Letter 700 To Theo van Gogh Arles Tuesday 9 or Wednesday 10 October 1888 http //vangoghletters org/vg/letters/let700/letter html Vincent van Gogh The Letters Van Gogh Museum 1v 3 I �m working on a portrait of our mother because the black photograph was making me too impatient <br>Ah what portraits we could make from life with photography and painting I always have hopes that a great revolution still awaits us in portraiture repro from art book PD-old-auto-1923 1890 <gallery> File Portrait of the Artist's Mother by Vincent van Gogh jpg File Vincent van Gogh - Portret van de moeder van de kunstenaar jpg </gallery> DEFAULTSORT Van Gogh 1888-10 Portrait of the Artist's Mother; Norton Simon Museum Portrait of the artist's mother by Vincent van Gogh
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