Keywords: Van Gogh - Skizzenblatt.jpeg Artwork Creator Vincent van Gogh Sketches 1883-10-3 Technique pen ink wove paper Federzeichnung in Brief Size cm 28 20 7 Institution Van Gogh Museum accession number b 0353 object history Van Gogh Museum credit line Van Gogh catalogues 405 The sketches were made on a canal-boat trip from Hoogeven to Nieuw-Amsterdam and enclosed in http //vangoghletters org/vg/letters/let392/letter html letter 392 3 October 1883 to his brother Theo cite web Letter 392 to Theo van Gogh Nieuw-Amsterdam on or about Wednesday 3 October 1883 http //vangoghletters org/vg/letters/let392/letter html Vincent van Gogh The Letters Van Gogh Museum 1r 1 This time I �m writing to you from the very back of beyond in Drenthe where I arrived after an endless trip through the heath on the barge <br>I see no way of describing the countryside to you as it should be done because words fail me But imagine the banks of the canal as miles and miles of Michels or T Rousseaus say Van Goyens or P de Koninck <br>Flat planes or strips differing in colour which grow narrower and narrower as they approach the horizon Accentuated here and there by a sod hut or small farm or a few scrawny birches poplars oaks Stacks of peat everywhere and always barges sailing past with peat or bulrushes from the marshes Here and there thin cows of a delicate colour often sheep � pigs The figures that now and then appear on the plain usually have great character sometimes they �re really charming I drew among others a woman in the barge with crepe around her cap brooches because she was in mourning and later a mother with a small child � this one had a purple scarf around her head PD-old-100 Drenthe period works by Vincent van Gogh Letters by Vincent van Gogh Paintings by Vincent van Gogh in the Van Gogh Museum |