Keywords: Vasily Tropinin 20.jpg Artwork Creator Vasily Tropinin The Portrait of Bulakhov The Inventories and Catalogues of the Municipal Art Gallery of P M Tretyakov and S M Tretyakov since 1893 and later entitled the portrait as The Portrait of Mr Bulakov w Russian language Russian «По� т� ет г-на Булакова» In the catalogue of the Tretyakov Gallery of 1956 the painting was described as The Portrait of Bulakhov Russian «По� т� ет Булахова» probably the portrait of the actor Pyotr Aleksandrovich Bulakhov 1793 �1835 В «Описях и каталогах го� одской художественной гале� еи П � и С � Т� етьяковых» начиная с 1893 г по� т� ет именуется как «По� т� ет г-на Булакова» В каталоге Т� етьяковской гале� еи 1956 года п� оизведение описано как « По� т� ет Булахова возможно по� т� ет актё� а Пет� а Александ� овича Булахова 1793 �1835» 1823 Oil on canvas size cm 55 66 Tretyakov Gallery cite book Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея Каталог живописи XVIII � начала ХХ века до 1917 года � осква Изоб� азительное искусство 1984 127 ru object history Pavel Tretyakov a collector the founder of the Tretyakov Gallery п� иоб� етена Т� етьяков Павел � ихайлович П � Т� етьяковым ru exhibition history credit line LangSwitch the inscription was scratched on wet paint п� оца� апано по сы� ой к� аске ru Vasily Tropinin of 1823th year accession number 127 LangSwitch Russian Вiographical Dictionary http //www rulex ru/ Main Page http //www rulex ru/rpg/persons/193/193021 htm Gallery http //www rulex ru/rpg/WebPict/fullpic/2004-003 jpg Pic Русский биог� афический слова� ь http //www rulex ru/ Главная ст� аница http //www rulex ru/rpg/persons/193/193021 htm Гале� ея http //www rulex ru/rpg/WebPict/fullpic/2004-003 jpg Изоб� ажение See below LangSwitch See also См также LangSwitch The reproduction of the portrait<br>on the stamp Реп� одукция по� т� ета<br>на почтовой ма� ке <gallery> Stamps of Russia 2001 No 664-665 Vasily Tropinin jpg LangSwitch The stamps of Russia 15 February 2001 Michel No 896 �897 Почтовые ма� ки России 15 фев� аля 2001 г Каталог ИТЦ «� а� ка» �� 664 �665 </gallery> PD-old-100 Male portraits by Vasily Tropinin 1823 paintings from Russia 1820s portraits of Russia male 19th-century portraits in the Tretyakov Gallery 19th-century oil on canvas paintings in Russia 19th-century oil portraits of men at half length Men facing right in art Men looking at viewer in art Portrait paintings of men with books Men with moustaches Portrait paintings with neutral background Portraits of musicians Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources 1820s portrait paintings |