Keywords: Venn diagram gr la ru.svg Venn diagram of Greek Latin and Russian Cyrillic upper case graphemes The intersections with the Latin alphabet are used for Greek and Russian licence plates <br> Licence plates in Greece use the letters Α Β Ε Ζ Η Ι Κ � � Ο Ρ Τ Υ Χ <br> Licence plates in Russia use the letters А В Е К � � О Р С Т У Х Inclusive versus exclusive <table style width 100 ; > <tr> <td>thumb center 400px This file is as inclusive as possible </td> <td>thumb center 400px This other file is as exclusive as possible <br>It even shows w Upsilon Greek Υ seperately as <math>\Upsilon</math> </td> </tr> </table> thumb Cyrillic У and Greek or Latin Y can both be represented by the grapheme in the middle which is used in this diagram thumb The typical forms of Л and Д on the left and the ones used in this diagram on the right thumb У on Russian licence plates thumb Cyrillic Л like Greek Λ Y / У They are different in most printed text but can be represented in the same way In handwritten blockletters they usually look the same <br> Cyrillic У is in the Russian licence plates because in countries that do not use the Cyrillic alphabet it will be read as Y <br> Cyrillic У always has two strokes and often a rounded bottom end Y is usually symmetric when printed <br> In the typeface Ubuntu used for this diagram they actually look different The intermediate form used is created by hand <small> Asymmetric Latin Y serif sans sans comic graffiti<br> Asymmetric Greek Y graffiti graffiti<br> Cyrillic У without rounded end sans sans licence plates </small> Λ / Л Cyrillic Л looks like Greek Λ in some typefaces - e g in the incription on Lenin's Mausoleum <br> In handwritten blockletters this form is common or even prevailing <br> In the typeface Ubuntu used for this diagram they actually look different <small> Graffiti �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� <br> Other �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� </small> K / К They are slightly different in many typefaces The Cyrillic К often has a rounded upper arm and usually looks like half a Ж <br> <small>Typical Cyrillic К in Семилуки city-limit sign</small> thumb left 500px This Russian graffiti uses the same letter shapes as the diagram own 2011 Watchduck <gallery> File Venn diagram showing Greek Latin and Cyrillic letters svg exclusive File Venn diagram gr la sr svg Serbian Cyrillic </gallery> Other fields I + < a < 3-set Venn diagrams Greek alphabet Latin alphabet Cyrillic alphabet Intersection set theory Ubuntu Font Family |