Keywords: Venn diagram showing Greek, Latin and Cyrillic letters.svg thumb Y-like letters in FreeSerif - one of the few fonts that distinguish between w Y Latin Y and Greek Υ Venn diagram of Greek Latin and Russian Cyrillic upper case graphemes in FreeSerif <table style width 100 ; > <tr> <td>thumb center 400px This file is as exclusive as possible </td> <td>thumb center 400px This other file is as inclusive as possible </td> </tr> </table> de Venn-Diagramm das die Großbuchstaben des standardisierten griechischen lateinischen und kyrillischen Alphabets und ihre Gemeinsamkeiten zeigt fr Diagramme de Venn montrant les majuscules de l �alphabet standarde grec latin et cyrillique et ses communautés eo Venn-Diagramo montranta la majusklojn de la norma greka latina kaj cirila alfabeto kaj siaj komunecoj File Venn diagram gr la ru svg watchduck 2013-07-09 public domain <gallery> File Venn diagram gr la ru svg inclusive File Venn diagram gr la sr svg Serbian Cyrillic </gallery> Greek alphabet 3-set Venn diagrams Latin alphabet Cyrillic alphabet Intersection set theory |