Keywords: VibratingGlassBeam.jpg Assessments 1 Vibrating Glass Beam Made by myself I melted a borosilicate capillary tube with a blowtorch into the shape a en cantilever beam seen clamped it in a micrometer that's what micrometers are for yes and photographed it vibrating Flash photo + 1/8 second exposure to show vibration and a frozen moment in one picture A micrometer was used because it has carbide faces which are four times stiffer than glass and twice stiffer than steel makes for an excellent cantilever beam mount Though I've had problems with poorly clamped beams this probably makes no difference but it makes me sound smarter This photo was selected out of 59 tries Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia 2007-09-13 Ben pcc Released into the public domain by the author WideWallpaper-en en wikipedia Ben pcc original upload log page en wikipedia VibratingGlassBeam jpg 2007-09-13 17 40 Ben pcc 1280×852×8 104042 bytes <nowiki> Summary Made by self I melted a borosilicate capillary tube with a blowtorch into the shape a cantilever beam seen clamped it in a micrometer that's what micrometers are for yes and photographed it vibrating Flash photo</nowiki> 2007-06-16 04 02 Ben pcc 1600×1200×8 199228 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> 2007-06-16 04 00 Ben pcc 1600×1200×8 144230 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> 2007-06-16 00 19 Ben pcc 1280×960×8 137764 bytes <nowiki>Made by self I melted a borosilicate capillary tube with a blowtorch into the shape seen clamped it in a micrometer that's what micrometers are for yes and photographed it vibrating Flash photo + 1/4 second exposure to show vibration and a frozen </nowiki> Mechanical vibrations Glass objects Taken with Nikon Coolpix 5700 Borosilicate glass |