Keywords: Vick's garden and floral guide (16377331637).jpg VEGETABLE SEEDS 89 <br> IMPROVED AMERICAN SAVOY <br> Warren's Stone Mason A great improvement on the old Stone Mason <br> The heads are deep and nearly round An excellent sort to carry through the <br> winter Its reliability for heading is unsurpassed Comes in with the Fottler's <br> and is a capital sort to succeed the All Seasons Pound 2 25; oz 20 cents; <br> y+ oz 5 cents <br> The Lupton This variety is one of the best for a mam crop combining as it <br> does the best qualities of the second early and the late sorts It is also one of <br> the best keepers we have coming out in the spring bright and fresh Pound <br> 2 00 ; oz 20 cents ; oz 5 cents <br> Autumn King or World Beater A new strain of late Cabbage and one <br> which will supersede the old reliable Mammoth Marblehead Cabbage of <br> years ago The Autumn King grows to an enormous size making heads as <br> solid as a rock and comes uniformly true to type It can be relied upon to pro- <br> duce a greater weight of crop from same space of ground than most of the late <br> sorts producing but few outer leaves Pound 2 25; oz 20 cents; oz <br> 5 cents <br> Louisville Drumhead A variety grown largely by market gardeners in the <br> Southwest It stands hot weather better than most other sorts and is a sure <br> cropper Resembles Premium Flat Dutch Pound 1 75; oz 20 cents; <br> oz 5 cents <br> Vick's Improved Danish Ballhead Hardest <br> heading variety known Remarkable for great weight and long-keeping quali- <br> ties The fame of this particular strain has become world-wide and it stands <br> without a peer Introduced by us asa novelty in 1887 and has increased infavor <br> among shippers and growers until now it is difficult to supply the demand It <br> commands a higher price in the market than any other variety Heads of medium <br> size with few outer leaves admitting of close planting ; exceedingly fine <br> hardest of all tender crisp solid with no waste heart Will average six pounds <br> per head Do not be deceived by substitutes such as German Export Hol- <br> lander and other named sorts There is only one Improved Danish Billhead <br> Cabbage and this we import direct from our original grower in Denmark <br> Pound 2 50 ; oz 25 cents ; oz 10 cents ; packet 5 cents <br> Selected Premium Late Flat Dutch No introduction is neces- <br> sary for this old reliable and popular Cabbage There are many so-called <br> strains of this valuable variety but what we offer is our own having for years <br> taken great pains to maintain and develop all its good qualities It produces <br> large solid heads of superior quality keeping in best condition for a long <br> time Pound 1 50 ; oz 15 cents ; oz 5 cents <br> Improved American Savoy This variety is decidedly the peer of all Savoy <br> Cabbages either lor market or kitchen garden ; a reliable header The heads <br> are large and possess a fine delicate flavor showing beautiful curled and crim- <br> pled leaves of a dark rich green color They are large and very solid We can <br> recommend this variety to all those market gardeners who grow Savoys by the <br> acre for general market Pound 1 75 ; oz 20 cents ; oz 5 cents <br> Mammoth Rock Red This is by far the best largest and most reliable <br> heading red Cabbage ever introduced The head is large round very solid <br> and of a deep red color Pound 2 50; oz 20 cents ; oz 5 cents <br> OTHER STANDARD VARIETIES OF CABBAGE <br> Newark Early Flat Dutch Large Late Drumhead All <br> Head Early Dwarf Green Curled Savoy Marblehead <br> Mammoth Drumhead Early Blood Red <br> Each 1 50 per pound ; ounce 15 cents ; quarter ounce 5 cents <br> CHICORY <br> Sow Chicory seed in the spring in drills half an inch deep and in good mellow <br> soil The after culture is the same as for Carrots In the autumn the plants will be <br> ready for blanching when it is used as a salad The dried and prepared roots of <br> this variety are also used quite extensively as a substitute for and an adulterant <br> of coffee <br> Large Rooted Long Magdeburg Pound 80 cents ; oz 10 cents ; <br> oz 5 cents <br> COLLARDS <br> This is a variety of Cabbage largely grown in the South where it is extensively <br> used for both man and beast It forms a large loose open head or mass of leaves <br> Freezing does not injure the crop Sow seed in the South from January to May <br> and August to September Pound 1 00 ; oz 10 cents ; l / 2 oz 5 cents <br> CORN SALAD <br> A favorite salad plant in Europe Sown in August and protected with a few <br> leaves during winter it can be gathered very early in spring Sown in April it is <br> soon fit for use The leaves are sometimes boiled and served as Spinach <br> Pound 60 cents ; oz 10 cents ; l / 2 oz 5 cents 43864443 149533 78224 Page 89 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43864443 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78224 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; James Vick's Sons Rochester N Y Biodiversity Heritage Library Vick's garden and floral guide 1900 Garden Stories Catalogs Commerce Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening James Vick's Sons Rochester N Y Rochester N Y Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43864443 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43864443 James Vicks Sons bhlGardenStories lettuce BHLinbloom james vick's sons rochester n y rochester n y u s department of agriculture national agricultural library james vicks sons bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-17 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16377331637 2015-08-24 22 53 00 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 lettuce Vick's garden and floral guide Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |