Keywords: View of the Tauride Palace from the Garden side.jpg title Вид Тав� ического дво� ца со сто� оны сада View of the Tauride Palace from the Garden side oil canvas cm 57 5 89 5 Museum Hermitage Museum http //www hermitagemuseum org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage mac/descrPage selLang Russian indexClass PICTURE_RU Query_Exp 28WOA_TYPE+ 3D 3D+ 22 B6 D8 D2 DE DF D8 E1 EC 22 29+AND+ 28WOA_AUTHOR+ 3D 3D+ 22 BF D0 E2 D5 E0 E1 D5 DD 2C+ B1 D5 DD D6 D0 DC D5 DD 22 29 PID JRX-1903 numView 1 ID_NUM 8 thumbFile 2Ftmplobs 2FLMJQ2W8 24OVZVIS2Q6 jpg embViewVer last comeFrom browse check false sorting WOA_AUTHOR 5EWOA_NAME thumbId 6 numResults 9 author BF D0 E2 D5 E0 E1 D5 DD 2C 26 2332 3B B1 D5 DD D6 D0 DC D5 DD http //www hermitagemuseum org/ http //www arthermitage org/Benjamin-Paterssen/View-of-the-Tauride-Palace-from-the-Garden html http //www arthermitage org object history ProvenanceEvent langswitch Staatliches Russisches Museum State Russian Museum Госуда� ственного Русского музея Hermitage transfer 1950 landscape art Creator Benjamin Patersen < 1797 PD-old-100 Russian paintings in the Hermitage Landscape paintings in the Hermitage Paintings of Saint Petersburg Tauride Garden Tauride Palace Benjamin Patersen |