Keywords: Vincent Willem van Gogh 098.jpg Artwork Q4126322 Creator Vincent van Gogh Memory of the Garden at Etten Ladies of Arles Spaziergang in Arles Erinnerung an den Garten in Etten Souvenir du Jardin à Etten Femmes d'Arles Arles 1888 11 Oil on canvas cm 73 5 92 5 http //www vangoghgallery com/catalog/Painting/319/Memory-of-the-Garden-at-Etten html vangoghgallery com Institution Hermitage Object history Amédéé Schuffenecker Clamart R1908 S I Stschukin Moscow cat 1913 nr 35 Moscow Museum of Modern Western Art acquired 1918 cat 1928 nr 79 Leningrad Hermitage acquired 1948 inv nr 9116 cat 1958 p 291at 1967 nrs 65-66 Exhibition history 1908 Paris VvG Galerie E Druet 6-18 January 35 nrs 30 1926 Moscow 1956 Moscow Leningrad p II 1960 Paris 49 Van Gogh catalogues 496 1630 Compare sketch in letter VGM 720 and Paul Gauguin's Arlésiennes Mistral In letter 723 Vincent refers to the painting as that thing I did of the garden at Nuenen i e his last family home and not at Etten taken by Hulsker to indicate that he really had no particular location in mind Hulsker p 374 http //vangoghletters org/vg/search/advanced originaltext original translation translation annotations notes essays essays bibliography bibliography other other term person_terms person_code literature_terms literature_code workofart_terms workofart_code sketch_terms sketch_code bibleref_terms bibleref_code f_number 496 jh_number periodical from 1 to 1 id_range id_type jlb_id date_from 1872-09-29 date_until 1890-07-31 period correspondent_name correspondent_id place_name place_id order date search2 x 31 search2 y 7 Letters cite web Letter 719 to Theo van Gogh Arles Sunday 11 or Monday 12 November 1888 http //vangoghletters org/vg/letters/let719/letter html Vincent van Gogh The Letters Van Gogh Museum 1v 3 I �ve been working on two canvases <br>A reminiscence of our garden at Etten with cabbages cypresses dahlias and figures <br>Gauguin gives me courage to imagine and the things of the imagination do indeed take on a more mysterious character cite web Letter 723 to Theo van Gogh Arles on or about Saturday 1 December 1888 http //vangoghletters org/vg/letters/let723/letter html Vincent van Gogh The Letters Van Gogh Museum 1r 1 Our i e Vincent and Gauguin days pass in working working always in the evening we �re worn out and go to the café before retiring to bed early That �s our existence Naturally it �s winter here too although the weather still continues to be very fine from time to time But I don �t find it disagreeable to try to work from the imagination since that permits me not to go out Working in the heat of a stove doesn �t bother me but the cold isn �t for me as you know Only I �ve spoiled that thing I did of the garden at Nuenen and I feel that habit is also necessary for works of the imagination But I �ve done the portraits of an entire family http //archive org/details/Hermitage_Paintings Hermitage Torrent PD-old-100 Other versions <gallery> File Women of Arles JPG Small file as provided by the Hermitage </gallery> DEFAULTSORT Van Gogh 1888-11 Arles - Memory of the Garden at Etten F_496 JH_1630 Memory of the Garden at Etten Ladies of Arles Sergey Schukin's collection |