Keywords: Virgil Mosaic Bardo Museum Tunis-cropped 3.jpg Der große lateinische Dichter Virgil in den Händen die Schrift Aeneid Links steht die Muse Klio Geschichte und rechts steht die Muse Melpomene Tragödie Das Mosaik das aus dem 3 Jahrhundert nach Christus stammt wurde in der Hadrumetum in Sousse Tunesien entdeckt und ist jetzt im Bardo-Museum in Tunis Tunesien The great Latin poet Virgil holding a volume on which is written the Aenid On either side stand the two muses Clio history and Melpomene tragedy The mosaic which dates from the 3rd Century A D was discovered in the Hadrumetum in Sousse Tunisia and is now on display in the Bardo Museum in Tunis Tunisia Mosaico romano del III secolo d C che rappresenta Virgilio con in mano l'Eneide tra le Muse Clio e Melpomene Scoperto a Sousse in Tunisia ora è esposto nel Museo del Bardo a Tunisi Virgil_Mosaic_Bardo_Museum_Tunis jpg 2010-11-06 20 19 UTC Virgil_Mosaic_Bardo_Museum_Tunis jpg Cybjorg derivative work � <span style white-space nowrap ><i>Habib M'<small>HENNI</small></i></span> <sup><small> ¿tell me </small></sup> cropping Habib mhenni Virgil_Mosaic_Bardo_Museum_Tunis jpg PD-art-100 Original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File Virgil_Mosaic_Bardo_Museum_Tunis jpg licensed with Cc-by-sa-2 5 Cc-by-sa-3 0-migrated GFDL 2007-06-30T13 37 06Z Cybjorg 1785x1731 4076998 Bytes <nowiki> The great Latin poet Virgil holding a volume on which is written the Aenid On either side stand the two muses Clio history and Melpomene tragedy The mosaic which dates from the 3rd C</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Virgil mosaic in the Bardo National Museum Tunis |