Keywords: Vladimir Borovikovsky by Ivan Bugaevsky-Blagodarny 1824.jpg Artwork Creator Ivan Bugaevskiy-Blagodarniy The Portrait of the Painter w Vladimir Borovikovsky study По� т� ет художника 1824 Oil on canvas size cm 14 8 18 1 Tretyakov Gallery cite book Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея Каталог живописи XVIII � начала ХХ века до 1917 года � осква Изоб� азительное искусство 1984 20814 ru object history October Revolution поступил в Т� етьяковскую гале� ею в 1930 году из Остафьево усадьба музея-усадьбы «Остафьево» ru exhibition history credit line LangSwitch The inscription was reproduced during the restoration of the artwork the relining of the painting � адпись была восп� оизведена п� и � естав� ации по� т� ета дубли� овании холста ru Borovikovskoy 1824 year from Collections of Bogaevsky accession number 20814 LangSwitch Integrated Collection of Digital Educational Resources Russia http //school-collection edu ru/ Main page in Russian http //files school-collection edu ru/dlrstore/f92cc7fd-6a11-452c-b3f3-536c46168ba6/20814 jpg Pic Единая коллекция циф� овых об� азовательных � есу� сов http //school-collection edu ru/ Главная ст� аница http //files school-collection edu ru/dlrstore/f92cc7fd-6a11-452c-b3f3-536c46168ba6/20814 jpg Изоб� ажение See below LangSwitch See also См также center LangSwitch The reproduction of the portrait<br>on the stamp Реп� одукция по� т� ета<br>на почтовой ма� ке LangSwitch The similar portrait<br>of larger size Подобный по� т� ет<br>большего � азме� а center <gallery>Stamp of Russia 2007 No 1179 Borovikovsky by Bugaevsky-Blagodarny jpg</gallery> <gallery>File Borovikovsky By Bugaevsky Blagodatny jpg</gallery> center <small> LangSwitch The stamp of Russia 15 May 2007 <br>Michel No 1411 Почтовая ма� ка России 15 мая 2007 г <br> Каталог ИТЦ «� а� ка» �� 1179 </small> <small> LangSwitch The Portrait of the Painter Vladimir Borovikovsky<br>by Ivan Bugaevskiy-Blagodarniy 1824 <br>Kaluga Regional Art Museum И В Бугаевский-Благода� ный <br>По� т� ет художника В Л Бо� овиковского 1824 <br>Калужский областной художественный музей </small> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1824; Vladimir Borovikovsky Ivan Bugaevskiy-Blagodarniy 19th-century portraits in the Tretyakov Gallery Vladimir Borovikovsky 1 1820s oil on canvas paintings in Russia 1820s portraits of Russia male 1824 portrait paintings Male 19th-century men looking at viewer in art 19th-century oil portraits of men at bust length Portrait paintings holding palette and brushes Portrait paintings with green background Portraits of painters from Russia Reproductions of artworks uploaded by Dmitry Ivanov Bugaevsky |