Keywords: Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, 1919.jpg Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin March 1919 Ленин и Сталин снимок сделан во в� емя VIII съезда па� тии в ма� те 1919 года Scan from Сталин К шестидесятилетию со дня � ождения � осква П� авда 1940 1919-02-18 <gallery> File Stalin-Lenin-Kalinin-1919 jpg In this version Kalinin has been cropped out apparently to emphasize the relationship between Lenin and Stalin Lenin dead BEFORE 1941 File Delegates VIII Congress of the RKP b jpg Original group photo from the VIII Congress of the RKP b </gallery> PD-Russia-2008 Altered Soviet photographs 003 1919 in Russia Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin 1919 photographs 8th Congress of the Russian Communist Party Bolsheviks |