Keywords: Voyage Gênes Marot Louis XII.jpg Louis XII sort de la forteresse d'Alessandria avec son armée pour aller mater la rébellion de la ville de Gênes qui s'est soulevée contre lui campagne de janvier à mai 1507 5ème enluminure du manuscrit Le Voyage de Gênes ca 1500 par Jean Marot ca 1450 - ca 1526 La devise NON UTITUR ACULEO REX CUI PAREMUR signifie le roi à qui nous obéissons n'use point de son aiguillon Voyez également les porcs-épics un des symboles de Louis XII Louis XII riding out the fortress of Alessandria with his army in order to attack the city of Genoa rebel against him january to may 1507 campaign Fifth illuminated picture of the manuscript Le Voyage de Gênes ca 1500 by Jean Marot ca 1450 - ca 1526 The motto NON UTITUR ACULEO REX CUI PAREMUR means the King to whom we obey does not use its sting See also the porcupines one of the personal symbols of king Louis XII ca 1500 1520 illumination parchment cm 31 21 institution BNF Département des manuscrits object history credit line accession number Français 5091 folio 15 verso ark /12148/btv1b8427230m/f42 item Uploaded stitched and restored by Jebulon 2013-03-09 http //gallica bnf fr/ark /12148/btv1b8427230m/f42 item thumb 100px left Assessments 1 Cleaning of spots dirt and tears due to age Black background added Enhancement of contrasts and saturation add some light With GIMP PD-old-100 Le Voyage de Gênes Louis XII of France in miniatures Alessandria in art Beehives in heraldry Bees in heraldry Porcupines in heraldry Medieval miniatures of knights Fortresses in art Portraits holding baton Featured pictures by Jebulon Featured pictures of Piedmont Caparison Featured pictures from Bibliothèque nationale de France Featured pictures of people of France Horses in art Castles in art Featured pictures of Apis mellifera ImageNote 1 2895 2232 285 616 3924 5503 2 Лив� ея с дикоб� азом - ге� альдическим символом О� леанского дома ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 2389 2113 257 459 3924 5503 2 Лив� ея с дикоб� азом - ге� альдическим символом О� леанского дома ImageNoteEnd 2 |