MAKE A MEME View Large Image John William - The Awakening of Adonis.jpg Artwork Creator John William Waterhouse en <u>See Sotheby's </u> Waterhouse's great mythological subject The Awakening of Adonis Collection of Lord Lloyd-Webber was painted in 1899 but was not ...
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Keywords: Waterhouse, John William - The Awakening of Adonis.jpg Artwork Creator John William Waterhouse en <u>See Sotheby's </u> Waterhouse's great mythological subject The Awakening of Adonis Collection of Lord Lloyd-Webber was painted in 1899 but was not finished in time to send to the Royal Academy that year and was therefore held over to the summer exhibition of 1900 On that occasion it was recognised as one of the artist's most powerful and characteristic works and one that aimed in the words of one reviewer at representing the passionate emotions of an historic tragedy in a highly dramatic fashion Athenaeum 1900 p 568 The painting may be seen as one in a series of spectacular and challenging works by Waterhouse each of which show moments of fateful confrontation between the gods and mortals of Greek and Roman legend and may be compared to Hylas and the Nymphs Manchester City Art Gallery and Flora and the Zephyrs offered in these rooms 6 November 1996 lot 307 of 1896 and 1897 respectively The series ended with the painting Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus private collection exhibited in 1901 the year after The Awakening of Adonis 1899-1900 oil on canvas cm 95 9 188 Institution Private collection Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection place of discovery object history exhibition history credit line accession number place of creation 2 http //www liveinternet ru/users/5031314/post394954195/ � https //4 bp blogspot com/-2TbaFoZ-dNE/V4cFQJ08CGI/AAAAAAABCpI/1nmD5m5eVD0NPr_EbNXhH4Ldu9d1hyTrACLcB/s2000/1899_П� обуждение_Адониса_ The_Awakening_of_Adonis _95 9_х_188_х м _Частное_соб� ание jpg image <br /> 1 http //persephone cps unizar es/General/Gente/SPD/Pre-Raphaelites/wat/jpg/water19 jpg The Awakening of Adonis - John William Waterhouse 1899 jpg John William Waterhouse - Study for the Head of Venus in The Awakening of Adonis jpg http //www sothebys com/content/sothebys/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2016/victorian-pre-raphaelite-british-impressionist-l16133/lot 15 html Sotheby's London 15 December 2016 lot 15 <br /> http //www johnwilliamwaterhouse com/pictures/awakening-adonis-1900/ <br /> http //www jwwaterhouse com/view cfm recordid 24 Q21192371 PD-old-auto-1923 1917 DEFAULTSORT John William Waterhouse - The Awakening of Adonis Uploads by Mattes from external sources Mythological paintings by John William Waterhouse Aphrodite in post-antique paintings Paintings of Venus Aphrodite and Adonis Awakening in art Oil paintings of people 1900s oil on canvas paintings 20th-century paintings in private collections 20th-century mythological paintings Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection
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