Keywords: visits events royal monarchy industry patriotic tyne & wear tynewear north east northeast historical maritime war time wartime king prince morale queen welcome to their majesties welcometotheirmajesties black and white photograph blackandwhitephotograph humanity people text letters shadow workers shipyard maritime heritage maritimeheritage hats shirt trousers coat shoes buttons comradeship sign message welcome royalty majesties king george vi kinggeorgevi john readhead & sons ltd johnreadheadsonsltd board south shields southshields 7 april 1943 7april1943 royal visit royalvisit memory reflection moral boost hardship difficult times difficulttimes beacon hope public spirits publicspirits two world wars twoworldwars structure vents wall mechanical wheel pole cheer chain metal steel bolts iron pattern proud builders rail debris post stairs windows vent lever blackandwhite monochrome outdoor black and white This is a photograph of Shipyard workers standing beside a sign reading 'Welcome to their Majesties' and welcoming King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to the shipyard of John Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields, 7 April 1943 Reference: 1061/1209/4 On 22 November Prince William will be visiting Sunderland and South Tyneside to take part in a number of youth development events. During the visit he will also officially open Haven Point, the new leisure centre in South Shields. To celebrate this Tyne & Wear Archives has produced a short flickr set remembering past royal visits to the region’s shipyards. Most of the visits featured here took place during difficult times and they gave a real boost to public spirits in the face of two World Wars. A short blog relating to these images can be read here . These images are part of the Tyne & Wear Archives Shipyard Collection. In July 2013 the outstanding historical significance of the Collection was recognised by UNESCO through its inscription to the UK Memory of the World Register. (Copyright) We're happy for you to share these digital images within the spirit of The Commons. Please cite 'Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums' when reusing. Certain restrictions on high quality reproductions and commercial use of the original physical version apply though; if you're unsure please email [email protected] This is a photograph of Shipyard workers standing beside a sign reading 'Welcome to their Majesties' and welcoming King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to the shipyard of John Readhead & Sons Ltd, South Shields, 7 April 1943 Reference: 1061/1209/4 On 22 November Prince William will be visiting Sunderland and South Tyneside to take part in a number of youth development events. During the visit he will also officially open Haven Point, the new leisure centre in South Shields. To celebrate this Tyne & Wear Archives has produced a short flickr set remembering past royal visits to the region’s shipyards. Most of the visits featured here took place during difficult times and they gave a real boost to public spirits in the face of two World Wars. A short blog relating to these images can be read here . These images are part of the Tyne & Wear Archives Shipyard Collection. In July 2013 the outstanding historical significance of the Collection was recognised by UNESCO through its inscription to the UK Memory of the World Register. (Copyright) We're happy for you to share these digital images within the spirit of The Commons. Please cite 'Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums' when reusing. Certain restrictions on high quality reproductions and commercial use of the original physical version apply though; if you're unsure please email [email protected] |