Keywords: Wholesale price list of requisites for florists and market gardeners (16589169070).jpg PETER HENDERSON CO NEW YORK � SUPERIOR BULBS � WHOLESALE <br> Henderson's Special Hyacinths <br> FOR BEDDING AND FORCING <br> 1 e are much pleased with <br> the Henderson Special Hya- <br> cinths you sent us last fall; <br> they are very beautiful and <br> we have had them in bloom <br> ticnv over two months <br> JOHN ELLIS <br> Chatham N B Canada <br> HENDERSON'S SPECIAL SECOND SIZE <br> NAMED HYACINTHS <br> For Bedding and Forcing <br> Henderson's Special Hyacinths equally useful for bedding or forcing are <br> larger sized bulbs than those put in ordinary mixtures They are of the same <br> age as the first size Named Hyacinths offered by us on pages 2 and 3 from <br> which these are the second selection They will produce fine spikes of bloom <br> and the different sorts as offered being of one shade of color render them of <br> value for bedding in designs enabling one to obtain the exact color effect de- <br> sired which is a great advantage over mixed reds mixed blues etc at but a <br> slight advance in price <br> PRICES <br> EARLY VARIETIES FLOWERING TOGETHER <br> White � Baroness Von Thuyll pure white <br> Pink � Gigantea blush pink shaded rosy pink <br> Red � Garabaldi rich crimson <br> Light Blue � Grand Lilas lavender blue <br> Dark Blue � Baron Von Thuyll deep purplish blue <br> MID SEASON VARIETIES FLOWERING TOGETHER <br> White � La Innocence pure white <br> Pink -Gertrude deep rose pink <br> Red � Robert Steiger dark rose red <br> Light Hluc � Regulus clear light blue <br> Deep Blue � Grand Maitre blue shaded dark blue <br> LATE VARIETIES FLOWERING TOGETHER <br> White Madam Vander Hoop pure white <br> Pink � Cardinal Wiseman rose pink <br> Red � King of the Belgiums blood red <br> Light Blue � Queen of the Blues sky blue <br> Dark Blue � King of the Blues indigo blue <br> Doz 100 1000 <br> 00 <br> 60 <br> 60 <br> 60 <br> 60 <br> 60 <br> 60 <br> 60 <br> 60 <br> 00 <br> S3 75 <br> 3 75 <br> 4 00 <br> 4 50 <br> 3 75 <br> 4 50 <br> 3 75 <br> 4 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 3 75 <br> I 50 <br> 4 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 4 50 <br> 3 50 <br> 35 00 <br> 35 00 <br> 38 00 <br> 40 00 <br> 35 00 <br> 42 00 <br> 35 00 <br> 38 00 <br> 30 00 <br> 35 00 <br> 40 00 <br> 38 00 <br> 38 00 <br> 42 00 <br> 32 00 <br> HENDERSON'S SPECIAL HYACINTHS <br> For Bedding and Forcing <br> To Color Without Names <br> PRICES <br> Henderson's Single Bedding Crimson Hyacinths <br> Bright Rose <br> Light Pink <br> Snow White <br> Lavender Blue <br> Dark Blue <br> Yellow <br> Special Mixed <br> Henderson's Double Bedding Crimson Hyacinths <br> Rose Pink <br> Snow White <br> Lavender Blue <br> Dark Blue <br> Special Mixed <br> Doz <br> 50 <br> 50 <br> 50 <br> 50 <br> 50 <br> 50 <br> 50 <br> 50 <br> 55 <br> 55 <br> 55 <br> 55 <br> 55 <br> 55 <br> 100 1000 <br> 3 50 <br> 3 25 <br> 3 75 <br> 3 75 <br> 3 75 <br> 3 75 <br> 3 75 <br> 3 50 <br> 30 00 <br> 30 00 <br> 30 01 <br> 30 00 <br> 30 00 <br> 30 00 <br> 30 00 <br> 28 00 <br> 34 00 <br> 34 00 <br> 34 00 <br> 34 00 <br> 34 00 <br> 32 00 <br> SUPERIOR MIXED HYACINTHS <br> COLORS SEPARATE <br> Good sized flowering bulbs 15 centimeters 5f in and upwards in circumfer- <br> ence much larger than the Mixed Hyacinth bulbs usually sent out They are <br> well adapted for open-ground planting in mixed borders and informal beds <br> and on account of their low price are also extensively forced for winter-blooming <br> and cutting <br> PRICES <br> Doz <br> 100 <br> 1000 <br> Single mixed <br> Red Rose and Pink <br> Whites <br> 35 <br> 35 <br> S2 50 <br> 2 50 <br> 22 00 <br> 22 00 <br> 2 50 <br> 22 00 <br> 2 50 <br> 22 00 <br> 35 <br> 2 50 <br> 22 00 <br> Double Mixed <br> 40 <br> 2 75 <br> 25 00 <br> 40 <br> 2 75 <br> 25 00 <br> 40 <br> 2 75 <br> 25 00 <br> 40 <br> 2 75 <br> 25 00 <br> 40 <br> 2 75 <br> 25 00 <br> Six bulbs of one variety sold at dozen rates ; 25 at 100 rates; 250 at 1 000 rates Postage will be extra on bulbs wanted by mail 45173841 160879 84546 Page 4 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/45173841 1910 Henderson Peter Co ; Stumpp Walter Co New York N Y NameFound Gigantea NameConfirmed Gigantea EOLID 91906 NameBankID 4549793 NameFound Regulus NameConfirmed Regulus EOLID 34693 NameBankID 2472829 Biodiversity Heritage Library Wholesale price list of requisites for florists and market gardeners / 1897-1913 Garden Stories Catalogs Henderson Peter Co New York New York State Nurseries Horticulture Nursery stock Seed industry and trade Seeds Stumpp Walter Co New York N Y Mertz Library The New York Botanical Garden bhl page 45173841 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/45173841 bhlGardenStories Flowers Bulbs Vegetables Hyacinths BHLinbloom henderson peter co new york new york state nurseries horticulture stumpp walter co new york n y mertz library the new york botanical garden bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-10 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16589169070 2015-08-24 21 54 19 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Hyacinthus Hyacinthaceae Wholesale price list of requisites for florists and market gardeners 1910 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |