Keywords: Wholesale price list of requisites for florists and market gardeners (16588944318).jpg PETER HENDERSON CO NEW YORK � WHOLESALE CATALOGUE � PLANTS <br> 11 <br> NAMED <br> Double Fringed <br> PETUNIAS <br> marked with silvery <br> light <br> Twelve <br> selected from <br> Ten Thousand <br> ��IIIIMlllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI <br> Aureole Deep rosy carmine irregularly <br> white on margin finely fringed <br> Benefit Blush-white changing to crystal- white centre <br> violet changing to purple fringed <br> Consuelo Very deep rich violet-crimson; a fine globular <br> oflower deeply fringed A very fine variety <br> Decorator Bright carmine-lake showing clear silvery white <br> y on the reverse finely fringed See cut <br> Enamel Beautiful La France Rose pink veined carmine <br> hedged silvery white changing to light rosy pink <br> Favorite Pure white irregularly marked and blotched with <br> deep lilac-pink fantastically cut and fringed <br> Gladys Bright violet-purple showing slight white markings <br> fi on edges ot petals deeply fringed <br> Hermes Rich violet-maroon showing oxidized silver on the <br> reverse of the petals; large flower deeply fringed <br> Intensity Ground color intense carmine-lake edged and <br> marked with silvery white deeply serrated <br> Josephine Light rosy lilac-pink marked silvery white <br> veined carmine deeply serrated and fringed <br> Kensington Rich violet-carmine irregularly splashed and <br> marked with rosy blush and crystal-white deeply fringed <br> Sea Foam For purity of color form size and vigor of growth <br> this variety is unsurpassed in double white Petunias Price <br> for any of the named Double Petunias 75c per doz 5 00 <br> per 100 from 2 inch pots 1 00 per doz 6 00 per 100 from <br> 3 inch pots set of 12 superb sorts for 1 00 <br> MOON FLOWER VINES <br> The Moon Flower So called from its rare peculiarity of <br> blooming best at night although it also expands its flowers <br> on dull days They are pure white 5 to 6 inches across <br> emitting a rich Jessamine like odor Price 4 00 per 100 <br> Blue Dawn Flower Intense violet blue with reddish-purple <br> rays G inches across It blooms in the morning and on cloudy <br> days Price 4 00 per 100 <br> SINGLE SEEDLING PETUNIAS These are grown <br> from seed of our own saving and are the same strain <br> as those we use in our hybridizing to obtain double <br> flowers Many of them will be finely fringed and <br> highly colored Price 50c per doz 3 00 per 100 <br> SEEDLING PETUNIAS Plants grown from the <br> same strain of seed which produced the named varieties but <br> -not all of them rare' certain to be double Price 60c per <br> -doz 4 00 per 100 <br> Pelargonium � Alfred Henderson <br> A beautiful variety bearing large trusses of rich lavender-pink <br> flowers the lower petals marked rich maroon The coloring is <br> almost identical with the orchid Cattleya triannag The plant is <br> a remarkably free and vigorous grower a very prolific bloomer <br> and the color takes on sight so that it will be valuable for <br> market Price 1 50 per doz 12 00 per 100 <br> Assorted Pelargoniums We offer six good market sorts <br> Price 1 50 per doz 12 00 per 100 <br> Hardy Double English Violet <br> JP This Violet is entirely hardy perfectly double a deep violet- <br> purple color ond most deliciously fragrant It surpasses the <br> well-known Marie Louise Violet in richness of color being <br> many shades darker and far excels it in its delightful odor; this <br> is one of its greatest merits See cut Price 1st size flowering <br> clumps 2 00 per doz 16 00 per 100 Young plants 1 00 <br> per doz 8 00 per 100 <br> EtER HtNGC«S0l»»Ca 45173171 160879 84546 Page 11 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/45173171 1903 Henderson Peter Co ; Stumpp Walter Co New York N Y Biodiversity Heritage Library Wholesale price list of requisites for florists and market gardeners / 1897-1913 Garden Stories Catalogs Henderson Peter Co New York New York State Nurseries Horticulture Nursery stock Seed industry and trade Seeds Stumpp Walter Co New York N Y Mertz Library The New York Botanical Garden bhl page 45173171 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/45173171 bhlGardenStories Flowers Bulbs Vegetables Petunias English Violet BHLinbloom henderson peter co new york new york state nurseries horticulture stumpp walter co new york n y mertz library the new york botanical garden bhlgardenstories english violet bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-10 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16588944318 2015-08-24 21 54 46 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Petunia Wholesale price list of requisites for florists and market gardeners 1903 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |