MAKE A MEME View Large Image Wholesale price list of requisites for florists and market gardeners (16588876138).jpg s will be found of each in their proper departments It will be <br> seen that we offer 15G premiums which we consider a decided improvement over <br> ...
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Keywords: Wholesale price list of requisites for florists and market gardeners (16588876138).jpg s will be found of each in their proper departments It will be <br> seen that we offer 15G premiums which we consider a decided improvement over <br> previous plans for if our customers wish they now have an opportunity to <br> contest by buying the whole collection for 150 premiums instead of one as in <br> the case of our already well-known Ponderosa Tomato and Prosperity Pea <br> 1 000 °° <br> THE 12 NDPIBERED NOVELTIES J <br> 1 we will pay <br> Bean No I A superior green pod bean per pkt <br> Lettuce No 2 A splendid head lettuce <br> Water Melon No 3 Orange buff fleshj <br> Pea No 4 A grand wrinkled late J <br> Aster No 5 Glowing scarlet <br> Coreopsis No 6 Immense yellow flowers <br> Pansy No 7 Beautiful blending of colors <br> Poppy No 8 Striped and mottled <br> Chrysanthemum No 9 Velvety red perplant <br> Dahlia No 10 Bright orange <br> Geranium No 11 Grand new hybrid <br> Strawberry No 12 2 crops a year i 3 plants for 2 <br> Grand Total 1 020 ° <br> GRAND COmBlNHTION COLLECTION of above-numbered novelties comprising <br> 1 pkt each of the four vegetables 1 pkt each of the four flower seeds and <br> 1 set each of the four plants which entitles you to _ <br> 12 opportunities of getting one or more of 156 pre- 2 50 <br> 25c <br> 25c <br> 25c <br> 25c <br> 25c <br> 25c <br> 25c <br> 25c <br> 25c <br> 25c <br> 40c <br> For <br> BEST <br> NAME <br> For 12 <br> Next Best <br> Total <br> Amount <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60~ <br> 85 0 T <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60 <br> 85 00 <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60 <br> K5 00 <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60 <br> 85 00 <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60 <br> 85 00 <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60 <br> 85 00 <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60 <br> 85 00 <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60 <br> 85 00 <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60 <br> 85 00 <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60 <br> 85 00 <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60 <br> 85 00 <br> 25 00 <br> 5 60 <br> sr <br> iniu ms offered above <br> CONDITIONS <br> PAY <br> FOR NAMES <br> The purchaser is entitled to suggest one name for each and every packet of seed or for <br> every plant of the above nameless numbered novelties bought Each packet of seed will be <br> sent out by us in a coupon envelope and on each plant will be attached a similar coupon <br> on which the buyer is to write his post-office address and the name he suggests for the <br> novelty and return to us by October 1st 1898 The money will be awarded in December fS 8 <br> and the names of successful competitors will be published in our 1899 edition of this Cata- <br> logue In event of two or more persons sending in the same winning name the one received <br> by us first will receive the money All names sent in are to be our property and will <br> undoubtedly be used in naming other things in future years <br> WE WILL PAY <br> 85 � F0R NAMES r0R <br> ; WE WILL PAY <br> 85 � FOR NAMES FOR <br> t WE WILL PAY <br> 85 � F0R names f °3 <br> PAY <br> FOR r» <br> NAMESvi <br> FOR <br> The Prices of the Above Numbered Novelties Are Not Subject to Discount 45174216 160879 84546 Page 28 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/45174216 1898 Henderson Peter Co ; Stumpp Walter Co New York N Y Biodiversity Heritage Library Wholesale price list of requisites for florists and market gardeners / 1897-1913 Garden Stories Catalogs Henderson Peter Co New York New York State Nurseries Horticulture Nursery stock Seed industry and trade Seeds Stumpp Walter Co New York N Y Mertz Library The New York Botanical Garden bhl page 45174216 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/45174216 bhlGardenStories Flowers Bulbs Vegetables BHLinbloom henderson peter co new york new york state nurseries horticulture stumpp walter co new york n y mertz library the new york botanical garden bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-10 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16588876138 2015-08-24 21 50 40 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Bulbs Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script Wholesale price list of requisites for florists and market gardeners 1898
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