Keywords: William of Sweden and Maria Pavlovna's wedding (1908).jpg Ца� ском Селе Вильгельм вступил в б� ак с великой княгиней � а� ией Павловной доче� ью великого князя Павла Александ� овича и п� инцессы Александ� ы Г� еческой и Датской Tsarskoye Selo Wilhelm married Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia She was a daughter of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich of Russia and Princess Alexandra of Greece and was a cousin of the reigning Russian tsar Nicholas II http //fotki yandex ru/users/wise-cat/date/2012-08-24 K E von Hahn Tsarskoye Selo 1908-05-03 PD-old Historical images of interior of Catherine Palace Prince William of Sweden Maria Pavlovna Princess of Sweden Imperial wedding crown of Russia Weddings of Grand Dukes of Russia Tiaras diadems in photographs 1908 photographs |