MAKE A MEME View Large Image Winslow Homer - Trout Fishing, Lake St. John, Quebec (1895).jpg Artwork Creator Winslow Homer 1895 Lavur mit weißer Wasserfarbe über Bleistift auf grauem Velin Че ный и се ый моет с белым аква елью над ...
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Keywords: Winslow Homer - Trout Fishing, Lake St. John, Quebec (1895).jpg Artwork Creator Winslow Homer 1895 Lavur mit weißer Wasserfarbe über Bleistift auf grauem Velin Че� ный и се� ый моет с белым аква� елью над г� афитный ка� андаш се� ого ткали бумаги cm 27 9 50 8 institution Museum of Fine Arts Boston Not on view object history credit line Warren Collection �William Wilkins Warren Fund HOMER 1895 ~ lower left signature and date accession number 99 29 1 скан з ек� ана<br/>2 http //www mfa org/collections/object/trout-fishing-lake-st-john-quebec-5004 Museum of Fine Arts Boston PD-old-100-1923 1910 File was transfered from Ukrainian Wikipedia using UWCTransferBot v 0 1 based on Chris G's http //toolserver org/~chris/highlight php d chris/classes/ f botclasses php botclasses framework Original upload log uk wikipedia D0 92 D1 96 D0 BD D1 81 D0 BB D0 BE D1 83+ D0 A5 D0 BE D0 BC D0 B5 D1 80+ D1 84 D0 BE D1 80 D0 B5 D0 BB D1 8C jpg 2013-01-27 10 57 Lorry 800×438×8 82204 bytes <nowiki> Зоб� аження � азва Вінслоу Хоме� фо� ель Опис аква� ель Авто� Вінслоу Хоме� Дже� ело скан з ек� ана Час ство� ення початок 20 ст Ліцензія P </nowiki> Paintings by Winslow Homer in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston Watercolor paintings by Winslow Homer 1890s paintings by Winslow Homer 1895 paintings
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