Keywords: Winterhalter- Berthier.jpg artwork Creator Franz Xaver Winterhalter Napoléon-Alexandre Berthier 1810-1887 2nd Prince de Wagram was son of Marshal Louis Alexandre Berthier 1753-1815 and Maria Elisabeth Franziska in Bavaria 1837 Oil on canvas cm 186 138 unknown http //www diary ru/~Arin/ comments postid 17688841 other versions <gallery>Alexandre Louis Joseph Berthier Prince of Wagram and his daughter jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 original upload log page de wikipedia Winterhalter-_Berthier jpg 2007-12-28 15 56 Thyra 699�1024� 215080 bytes <nowiki> Andere Versionen </nowiki> DEFAULTSORT 1837; Napoléon-Alexandre Berthier French nobility by Winterhalter Family portraits by Winterhalter 19th-century portrait paintings location missing Napoléon Alexandre Berthier 1837 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1837 portrait paintings from Germany M 19th-century family portraits 19th-century oil portraits of girls at full length 19th-century oil portraits of sitting men at full length 19th-century portraits with coat of arms 19th-century portrait paintings with dogs Chairs in portrait paintings Portraits of fathers and daughters Portraits with window at the background Princes of Wagram |