Keywords: Witte by Repin.jpg Portrait of Finance Minister and member of State Council Sergei Yulyevich Witte Study for the picture Formal Session of the State Council Retrato del ministro de finanzas y miembro del Consejo de Estado Sergei Yulyevich Witte Estudio para el cuadro Sesión solemne del Consejo de Estado По� т� ет минист� а финансов и члена Госуда� ственного Совета Се� гея Юльевича Витте Этюд к ка� тине То� жественное заседание Госуда� ственного Совета Холст масло 81 × 81 см Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея � осква 1903 Oil on canvas cm 81 81 Institution Tretyakov Gallery http //www picture art-catalog ru/picture php id_picture 11468 other versions thumb left Main work Obra principal Основное п� оизведение PD-old-auto 1930 Studies for Group portrait of Members of the State Council Portraits by Ilya Repin in the Tretyakov Gallery Sergei Witte 1903 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1903 portrait paintings Male 20th-century oil portraits of sitting men at half length 1903 Portrait paintings of politicians 1903 Sashes of chivalric orders in portrait paintings 1903 |