Keywords: Władimir Agapiejew (1900).jpg ru Подполковник Гене� ального штаба Агапеев Китай Лутай 1900 Владими� Пет� ович Агапеев 9 июня 1876 года Ва� шава Российская Импе� ия � 6 мая 1956 года Буэнос-Ай� ес А� гентина � � усский гене� ал-лейтенант 1900 У стен недвижного Китая Дневник ко� � еспондента � ового к� ая на теат� е воен действий в Китае в 1900 г / Соч Дмит� ия Янчевецкого - Санкт-Пете� бу� г ; По� т-А� ту� П П А� темьев 1903 URL http //dlib rsl ru/viewer/01003695013 page 521 Д Янчевецкий Custom license marker 2012 08 13 PD-RusEmpire Uploaded with UploadWizard 1876 births 1900 portrait photographs 1956 deaths 20th-century black and white portrait photographs of men at bust length 20th-century men of Poland 20th-century men of Russia Black and white portrait photographs of military people in uniform Black and white photographs Born in Warsaw Emigrants from Russia Foreign volunteers in the Wehrmacht Generals of the Russian Empire Generals of White Guard Immigrants to Argentina Immigrants to Yugoslavia Knights of the Order of St Anna Knights of the Order of St Vladimir Men looking right Men with beards Men with moustaches People associated with the Boxer Rebellion Recipients of the Order of Saint Stanislaus Russian Russian military personnel of the Great War Russian military personnel of the Russo-Japanese War Russian diaspora in Argentina |