MAKE A MEME View Large Image World Organization of the Scout Movement-Eurasian Region purple.svg en wikipedia 2010 June 4 Всеми ной О ганизации Скаутского Движения or ВОСД headquartered in Gurzuf near Yalta-Krasnokamenka ...
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Keywords: World Organization of the Scout Movement-Eurasian Region purple.svg en wikipedia 2010 June 4 Всеми� ной О� ганизации Скаутского Движения or ВОСД headquartered in Gurzuf near Yalta-Krasnokamenka Ukraine with a branch office in Moscow All the formerly communist states of Central and Eastern Europe Central Asia and the Soviet Union have developed or are developing Scouting in the wake of the renaissance in the region supersedes a 2005 image by User Kintetsubuffalo at the English Wikipedia project the original creator of this work 2007-12-22 Original uploader was Sagredo at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author Original upload log page en wikipedia Image-WOSM-Eurasian_Region svg 2007-12-24 03 51 Sagredo 2201×905×0 748062 bytes <nowiki>The Eurasian Scout Region in Russian Регионального Бю� о Ев� азия is the divisional office of the World Scout Bureau of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in Russian Всеми� ной О� ганизации Скаут�</nowiki> 2007-12-24 03 17 Sagredo 2201×905×0 729634 bytes <nowiki>The Eurasian Scout Region in Russian Регионального Бю� о Ев� азия is the divisional office of the World Scout Bureau of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in Russian Всеми� ной О� ганизации Скаут�</nowiki> 2007-12-23 21 59 Sagredo 2201×905×0 691902 bytes <nowiki>The Eurasian Scout Region in Russian Регионального Бю� о Ев� азия is the divisional office of the World Scout Bureau of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in Russian Всеми� ной О� ганизации Скаут�</nowiki> 2007-12-23 21 51 Sagredo 2480×1505×0 691471 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> 2007-12-23 21 04 Sagredo 2480×1505×0 668078 bytes <nowiki>The Eurasian Scout Region in Russian Регионального Бю� о Ев� азия is the divisional office of the World Scout Bureau of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in Russian Всеми� ной О� ганизации Скаут�</nowiki> 2007-12-22 19 38 Sagredo 2000×853×0 250302 bytes <nowiki>The Eurasian Scout Region in Russian Регионального Бю� о Ев� азия is the divisional office of the World Scout Bureau of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in Russian Всеми� ной О� ганизации Скаут�</nowiki> How to change the color of a country in Inkscape when new countries have membership <font color ea8ddb> Open the file in Inkscape Make sure that the arrow pointer is selected Click on a country This will select it Press the Shift+ctrl+F keys This pops up a small window Make sure the Fill tab is selected At the right edge about 3/4 of the way down there is a field labeled RGBA This field contains eight letter/numbers which can be copied or pasted The window stays open when another country is selected Usually behind the main Inkscape window </font> <font color 77b35f> A couple more useful things - I find the wheel tab easiest to use if I want to pick an entirely new color RGBA stands for Red Green Blue Alpha Alpha is the opacity The first six letter/numbers RGB can be used in wikiapedia and elsewhere i e Photoshop to color text and other items </font> Inkscape is a vector graphics editor application Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License Inkscape is free software and can be downloaded from the http //www inkscape org/ Inkscape Official site Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Sreejithk2000 using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper 2008-01-28 Original uploader was Sagredo at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia PD-USER-W EN WIKIPEDIA; PD-USER-W PD-user-w Original upload log page en wikipedia Eurasian_Scout_Region_World_Organization_of_the_Scout_Movement_purple svg 2008-01-28 00 20 Sagredo 2201�905� 722832 bytes <nowiki>Всеми� ной О� ганизации Скаутского Движения or ВОСД headquartered in Gurzuf near Yalta-Krasnokamenka Ukraine with a branch office in Moscow All the formerly communist states of Central and Eastern Europe Centra</nowiki> World Organization of the Scout Movement Scouting maps
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