Keywords: WWII Navy Memorial in Spencer Smith Park in Burlington, Ontario.jpg en The photo is of the Royal Canadian Naval Association Naval Memorial 1995 by André Gauthier sculptor This 6 �4 high cast bronze statue is of a WWII Canadian sailor in the position of attention which salutes his lost shipmates The model for the statue was a local Sea Cadet wearing Mike Vencel's naval service uniform The sculpture recognizes Canadian seamen and ships that served in WWII It is located in Spencer Smith Park in Burlington Ontario Canada On the black granite base the names of RCN and Canadian Merchant Marine ships sunk during WWII are engraved On the granite wall the names of all RCN ships and Canadian Merchant Marine vessels which saw service in WWII are engraved The photo was taken by Andrew Lynes on May 21 2007 It was taken for use in the Burlington Ontario and Spencer Smith Park articles de Gedenkplatz für im Zweiten Weltkrieg gefallene kanadische Marinesoldaten im Spencer Smith Park in Burlington Ontario Kanada Photo taken by Andrew Lynes on May 21 2007 2007-05-21 2007 05 22 original upload date Andrew Lynes Original uploader was The Fwanksta at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author en wikipedia The Fwanksta original upload log page en wikipedia WWII_Navy_Memorial_in_Spencer_Smith_Park_in_Burlington 2C_Ontario jpg 2007-05-22 20 16 The Fwanksta 2592�1944� 2842250 bytes <nowiki>The photo is of the Burlington WWII Navy Memorial in recognition of Canadian seamen and ships that served in the war It is located in Spencer Smith Park in Burlington Ontario Canada The photo was taken by Andrew Lynes on May 21 2007 It was taken fo</nowiki> Naval Memorial Monument Burlington Photographs of military flags of Canada Bronze statues in Canada Granite sculptures in Canada |