Keywords: Zahn - Globus Veneris.png en Planet Venus in its revolution around the Sun showing its phases Also shown in the lower part of the figure is Venus � satellite as found by Fontana and Wiesel ru Планета Вене� а в своем в� ащении вок� уг Солнца её фазы В нижней части � исунка спутник Вене� ы как он был обна� ужен Фонтаной Johann Zahn's Specula physico-mathematica-historica reproduced in Kragh H The Moon that Wasn't The Saga of Venus' Spurious Satellite Birkhäuser 2008 P 15 Johann Zahn 1696 PD-old-100 Moons of Venus Venus planet Specula physico-mathematico-historica |