Keywords: Zampieri - Adam et Ève (détail).jpg Artwork Creator Domenichino title Dieu réprimandant Adam et Eve; Dieu punit Adam et Eve de leur désobéissance ancien titre God admonishing Adam and Eve; God punished Adam and Eve for their disobedience former title Gott ermahnt Adam und Eva; Gott bestraft Adam und Eva für ihren Ungehorsam früherer Titel 1623-1625 oil copper cm 95 75 Institution Musée des Beaux-Arts de Grenoble 09940004353 object history Dépôt de l'État 1892 credit line accession number MG 937 own 2009-04-30 User Eusebius/Credits 450D 18-55 grenoble 1 public domain <gallery>File Zampieri - Dieu réprimandant Adam et Ève JPG whole painting with frame</gallery> 45 11 41 52 N 5 43 55 43 E assessments 1 DEFAULTSORT Domenichino; Adam and Eve; Musée de Grenoble Details of paintings by Domenichino Paintings in Musée de Grenoble The Fall Adam and Eve in paintings Quality images of Grenoble 1620s paintings from Italy 1620s paintings in France 17th-century religious paintings in France |