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Close-up of High Voltage Lines at Electrical Substation
Spice for cooking, ground bitter black pepper on a white background.
Силоси за житарице и кукуруз усред лета на југозападу
Coastal townscape illuminated in early morning. Virginia Air & Space Science Center и NASA Langley visitor center in Hampton, Virginia
Plasticine figures, tank, cacti on a white background.
Medical mustard plasters for the treatment of colds lie on a white background.
Riverside Neighborhood awakening in the morning: Hampton streets with First Presbyterian Church and Virginia Air & Space Science Center and NASA Langley visitor center in dawn horizon on Hampton River, Virginia
Aerial drone point of view of Burgas, Bulgaria, Black sea coastline and sea garden at sunseet - (Bulgarian: Кадър от дрон, Бургас, България, Черно море и Морска градина). The picture is taken with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone / quadcopter
Puff pastry rolls stuffed with poppy seeds.
Wide aerial drone shot of  public park Vazrajdane ,  Sofia city, Bulgaria, (Bulgarian :парк Възраждане и комплекс Възраждане, София, България). The picture was taken at day time with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone / quadcopter.
A chocolate candy with thick, gooey caramel, broken down the middle.
A piece of brick made of burnt clay on a white background.
A branch of a flowering deutzia bush against a natural background.
Aerial view at Cathedral in Burgas St. Cyril and Methodius Cathedral, Burgas (Bulgaria) during sunset - (Bulgarian: Катедрален храм \
Aerial drone point of view of Burgas, Bulgaria, Black sea coastline and Burgas port at sunseet - (Bulgarian: Кадър от дрон, Бургас, България, Черно море и Пристанище Бургас). The picture is taken with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone / quadcopter
Курица, запеченная целиком до аппетитной хрустящей корочки с гранатом и красным апельсином. Традиционное новогоднее и рождественское блюдо. На заднем плане — рождественские украшения. Крупный план, выборочная фокусировка.
Aerial view of Vitosha mountain and Drgalevci in Sofia, Bulgaria during spring time ( Bulgarian : Планина Витоша и квартал Драгалевци). The scene is situated in Sofia city capital of Bulgaria (Eastern Europe). The picture is taken with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone.
Салат с консервированным тунцом, томатами, арахисом, манго, авокадо, сельдереем, хлопьями чили и чёрным кунжутом. Лёгкий летний салат с оливковым маслом и долькой лимона. Домашняя кухня. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
Aerial view of downtown district, town square of Ruse, Bulgaria and Monument of Liberty - (Bulgarian: Русе, България и Паметникът на Свободата ). The picture is taken with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone / quadcopter
Bucharest, Romania — January 18, 2025: Самый старый ресторан города (Caru' cu bere).
Wide shot of the bulgarian parliament building and Monument to the Tsar Liberator (Bulgarian: Сграда на българският парламент и Паметник на Цар Освободител). The picture was taken at day time with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone / quadcopter.
Wide drone shot of Koprivshtitsa, Bulgaria,  Stara Planina and cloudy blue sky (Bulgarian: Копривщица и Стара Планина). The photo is shot with DJI drone Phantom 4 Pro.
Two frozen meat cutlets ready for cooking isolated on white background.
A lonely white mute swan bird swims across the lake.
Aerial shot of  Black sea coastline and Burgas port - (Bulgarian: Брегова линия на Черно море и пристанище Бургас, България). The scene is situated outdoors near noon in Burgas, Bulgaria on the Black Sea shores. The photo is taken with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone.
Aerial view of city of Ruse and Monument of Liberty at town square - (Bulgarian: Русе, България и Паметникът на Свободата ). The picture is taken with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone / quadcopter
Thick, transparent, yellow honey flows in a continuous stream from the stock into the bucket.
Wide drone shot of Vitosha mountain аnd Boyana. (Bulgarian: Общ план на Витоша планина и Бояна). The footage is shot on DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone.
Salmon fish lies on a white background.
Candy with a wafer base, chocolate filling and covered with chocolate on a white background.
Free Images: "bestof:Курилов Витебского и Старый Козлов Себежского уездов, проект церквей. Архитектор"
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