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An old waybill from the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway, which is no longer in existence. Dated 1874, to be sent to Marple in what is now Greater Manchester.
Young Woman Engaged in Remote Work on Her Laptop by a Sunny Windowsill
Pointe-à-Pitre, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe: large metal hall housing the spices market / Saint-Antoine market, known for its Caribbean ambiance, rich in colors and aromas - alongside the countless sweet and savory spices, flowers, Creole dolls, baskets and other artisanal products compete for center stage. Reflection in the stone pavement after rain.
Pointe-à-Pitre, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe: large metal hall housing the spices market, aka Saint-Antoine market, known for its Caribbean ambiance, rich in colors and aromas - alongside the countless sweet and savory spices, punches, basketry, love potions, flowers, Creole dolls, baskets and other artisanal products compete for center stage.
A skilled individual operates a hand trim saw to prune branches from a fruit tree, ensuring healthy growth while enjoying a bright, sunny day in the garden
horses stand in a wooden stall in the eco farm territory, sun is shining
Au Sable Lighthouse, on Au Sable Point, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Upper Peninsula,   Michigan,  built in 1874 and is 87 feet tall, looks out over Lake Superior. Au Sable Light.
Oslo, Norway, July 4, 2023 - The Grand Hotel opened in 1874 in the city center of Oslo.
In a vibrant garden filled with greenery and colorful flowers, a gardener in gloves is actively digging the ground with a shovel near a blooming bush
Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, USA: Aliʻiolani Hale, Supreme Court, former seat of government of the Kingdom and the Republic of Hawaii - Aliʻiōlani Hale means \
Customer Receives Takeaway Order From a Barista at a Coffee Shop in the Evening
Obverse\n\nSeated Liberty looking right above her shoulder, with a cap on a stick and a shield, the country name divided on both sides, arrows at date\n\nScript: Latin\n\nLettering:\nUNITED STATES OF AMERICA\n1874\n\nEngraver: Christian Gobrecht\n\nReverse\n\nValue within wreath\n\nScript: Latin\n\nLettering:\nONE\nDIME\n\nEngraver: Christian Gobrecht\n\nEdge\n\nReeded
Сдобные маленькие булочки с чесноком и укропом на белой тарелке. Пампушки на завтрак, к борщу или к супу. Традиционная домашняя выпечка. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
Crook County, Wyoming, USA - July 7, 2022: A historical roadside marker informs travelers of General George Armstrong Custer’s 1874 Expedition to the Black Hills.
Map of Asia
1 Penni 1874 Aleksandr II. coin of Finland. Coin 1 penni 1874 Obverse and Reverse on white background. Monogram A II
Fountain Quatre-Parties-du-monde. Les Jardins de Luxembourg, Paris, France. Fountain with horses from 1874.
Obverse\n\nSecond laureate portrait ('Bun Head') of Queen Victoria facing left, legend around.\n\nScript: Latin\n\nLettering: VICTORIA D:G: BRITT:REG:F:D:\n\nUnabridged legend: Victoria Dei Gratia Britanniarum Regina Fidei Defensatrix\n\nTranslation: Victoria by the Grace of God Queen of the Britains Defender of the Faith\n\nEngraver: Leonard Charles Wyon\n\nReverse\n\nSeated figure of Britannia facing right, trident in left hand, shield with Union flag in right hand, denomination above, date in exergue, sea behind with lighthouse on left and ship on right.\n\nNote: mintmark (if present) below date\n\nScript: Latin\n\nLettering:\nF A R T H I N G\n1874\nH\n\nEngraver: Leonard Charles Wyon\n\nEdge\n\nPlain\n\nMints\n\nHeaton and Sons / The Mint Birmingham
old worn map - the world in hemispheres - 1874 / composite with grunge paper texture
Пасхальный кулич с цукатами в белой глазури с разноцветной посыпкой и крашеными яйцами. Традиционная пасхальная выпечка. Праздник Пасха. Крупный план, выборочная фокусировка.
cow stands in a field of grass. The cow is looking at the camera, and there is a line of trees in the background
Person enjoying time in the outdoors camp. car parked near a green tent on a coastal cliff overlooking the ocean.
Map of South America
This textured background is authentic marbled paper from 1874. Slight grunge, age spots and vignette.
large flock of sheep grazes peacefully in a vast grassy field, under a clear blue sky
Chatfield, Littleton, Denver, Colorado, USA: entrance the quaint one room Deer Creek Schoolhouse (1874) with its bell tower, built by the creek it was named after - Platte Valley - Chatfield.
woman sits in a camp chair in front of a green tent, with a car parked nearby. The scene is set in a grassy field with a hillside in the background
woman wearing a grey shirt and black shorts squats on a beach cliff while setting up a yellow tent
Free Images: "bestof:Хомяков, Михаил Михайлович (1874-). К вопросу о краниологическом типе бессермян Вятской"
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