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Fountain Frogs in public park Aiazmoto in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Фонтан Жабките в  парк Аязмото, Стара Загора, България). The photo is taken with DJI quadcopter Mavic III
Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Carpathian Mountains as you witness a serene mountain stream flowing through a lush beech forest in the vibrant summer season
Drone point of view of Tundja river near Stara Zagora (Bulagarian: Снимка с дрон на река Тунджа в близост до Стара Загора, България). The photo is taken with DJI quadcopter Mavic III
A beautiful landscape   in Hövringen, Norway. It is visible fora large district and appears  blue at some distance, hence the older name “Blaahöe”, the blue mountain.
Тюльпаны в парке около озера. Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Ворота в храм.
Drone shot of the russian church, officially known as the Church of St Nicholas the Miracle-Maker in downtown in Sofia, Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Руската църква Свети Николай Чудотворец в София, България). The photo is taken with drone DJI Phantom 4 Pro.
Basilica di Superga, built from 1717 to 1731 for Victor Amadeus II of Savoy and designed by Filippo Juvarra. Hill of Superga, Turin, Italy
The Medeu  is an outdoor speed skating and bandy rink. It is located in a mountain valley on the south-eastern outskirts of Almaty в Казахстане
Beautiful drone shot of St. Alexader Nevski Cathedral in Sofia, Bulgaria, gold colored domes. (Bulgarian: Красив кадър от дрон на  Храм-паметник Свети Александър Невски в София, България). The photo is taken with drone DJI Phantom 4 Pro.
Азиатское блюдо с бульоном, лапшой, тигровыми креветками, рыбой, яйцом и зелёным луком. Традиционный азиатский суп в белой глубокой тарелке. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
Пасхальный кулич с цукатами в белой глазури с разноцветной посыпкой и крашеными яйцами. Традиционная пасхальная выпечка. Праздник Пасха. Крупный план, выборочная фокусировка.
Малосольные огурцы в банке с приправами, специями и зеленью. Домашние сезонные заготовки. Традиционное консервирование овощей. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
Part of an old bible from 1717 written once in german by doctor Martin Luther.
Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow / AYaAA AYaAAaA A!AAAAaAA>A A AAAAA
Сочная спелая свежая слива с каплями воды в серой тарелке на чёрном фоне. Сезонные фрукты. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
The fully restored West Barnstable Meeting House (1717) on Cape Cod.
Паштет из куриной печени с пшеничным хлебом, рукколой, вялеными томатами и чёрным чаем. Домашняя традиционная кухня в стиле рустик. Вариант завтрака или перекуса. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
тень памятника в ночном городе
18th book cover
Drone shot of the russian church, officially known as the Church of St Nicholas the Miracle-Maker in downtown in Sofia, Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Руската църква Свети Николай Чудотворец в София, България). The photo is taken with drone DJI Phantom 4 Pro.
Улыбающаяся девочка пристегнута ремнем безопасности в детском автокресле. Крупный план.
Famous Heracles Monument at Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe in Kasel, Hesse, Germany (built in 1717)
Topped by a gold colored rooster weather vane the 1717 Meeting House in Barnstable, Massachusetts  has served as a meeting house and church to the nearby Cape Cod residents for over 300 years.
Bronze sculpture in fountain in the city garden in front of the Ivan Vazov National Theater building in Sofia, Bulgaria. Author Georgi Chapkanov - Chapa. The Ballerina( Бронзова скулптора в шадравана пред Народен театър Иван Вазов, София, България, автор: Георги Чапкънов - Чапа) . The photo is taken with Sony A7III camera. \nGeorgi Todorov Chapkanov (Chapa) - Bulgarian sculptor, illustrator, set designer was born on January 24, 1943 in Valchi Dol, Varna District.\nHe graduated from the Academy of Arts in Sofia, majoring in Sculpture. He specialized in Paris.\nGeorgi Chapkanov is a professor and head of the Department of Artistic Metal Processing at the Academy of Arts. He is an unsurpassed master of small sculpture. His small sculptures are in numerous private collections around the world, and his large sculptures are in public places and museums from Europe to Japan. Among the museums that own his works are the National Art Gallery in Sofia, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, the Otsokushi-Ga-Hara Museum in Japan, the Lalit Kala Academy in New Delhi, and the open-air museum. Moran ”- South Korea, La Blade de Seprai in Switzerland, Peter Ludwig Collection - Germany, Moutier Museum - Switzerland.
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Kalemegdan fortress in Belgrade
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Free Images: "bestof:55. Образ Божией матери, пожертвованный благоверной царевной Марией Александровной в 1717"
55. Образ Божией матери, пожертвованный благоверной царевной Марией Александровной в 1717 году.jpg
1. Казанский образ Божией Матери – благословение о. Иоанна Кронштадтского.jpg
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